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MUA today

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junior member
Apr 20, 2008
United States
Hi All

going to hospital today - scared but resigned. I've re-read all your posts about this and mentally ready (i think). i will post as soon as i can.
All you gotta do is show up. They'll take care of the rest and then come home and get even better! Prayin' for you. Jen
Hey Char keep your chin up i to was sooooooo scared but like Patti says they will take good care of you for sure ,God Bless you and hugggggggggsssssssssss .... JIM
Thinking of you, praying for you! Looking forward to your report
[] MUA today
Char, my prayers are with you. You will do great and be so happy you did this. God bless!
Char, you are probably on your way to a better knee by now, but I'm sending prayers your way and will hope to hear from you soon! Many hugs to you!!!
Hey Char, you should be home soon. Drop us a line as soon as you able. will be fine! Been through 2 MUA already (3/27 and 4/29) and I am wishing you all the best. I have a problem with scar tissue ( my new PT told me that fair-haired and fair-skin people have problems with scar tissue forming) and I have been really working it since then.
Hi Ladyblue,
Now that makes since because I am blond and blue eyes and have had one manipulation but that makes me feel better knowing that about fair haired people.
ps I'm at 95 degrees now just slow progress.
Hey, all this talk about adhesions and manipulation, how late in the game can it show up. If my ROM is good am I probably ok or is there a chance of them showing up and my ROM going backwards?
I don't know about the adhesions themselves, but I think we all need to keep working on our ROM. Even those of us who are a couple of months ahead of you need to still re-visit those stretches from time to time, according to my PT.
Mine is still not as good as my other knee and I can really tell it when I ride my bicycle. Seems mostly to be the swelling across the back of my knee rather than the top, tho.
I find my ROM decreases if I don't stay up on my exercises. Not significantly, but enough that I notice. Just sayin'
I'm baaaaaack! you were all right! once i checked in - they totally took care of me .... got me in pre-surgery quick and gave me the happy juice .... rolled me in and poked around my back for awhile and before I could complain, I was awake in recovery. I had a moment of blinding pain when the nurse noticed my vitals escalating and pushed the magic button - no pain at all since then.....CPM went from -2 to 90 to -10 to 120!!! That tight 'band' is gone and I can move my knee myself to 80! I was in the hospital from Friday to today - they wanted to make sure i had no pain before removing the epidural - when they did - about half an hour later my back was on fire - they had trouble getting the needle in and had to try three times so i have a bit of bruising which hurt worse than my knee.

My PT was relatively simple since i had been working so hard right after the TKR - the doc sent me home today with another CPM to use for a month - 4 hours a day. I will start outpatient PT this week as soon as approved by insurance.

Overall - I have to say it was not as bad as I thought it would be. It was just like Gatinger said - loosening up a tight lid on a jar!! I now have to do my part to keep it loose.

I have new drugs (percoset instead of vicodin). OS said there was lots of scar tissue from two previous surgeries and adhesions ... so good thing we dealt with it now.

Thanks to you all for your continuing smiles and support!
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