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MUA is done

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junior member
Feb 29, 2008
United States
Hi all,
Had my MUA yesterday afternoon and the doctor got me to 130 degrees. Worked on it last night, iced it, took my percs and for the most part slept most of the night but boy oh boy is it sore today!! Did PT this morning and still got it to 130 but that ache is back! All in all very much worth it and really not a big deal. With 6 previous knee surgeries doctor was not surprised I would need it. I'm 16 weeks post tkr and other than this things are going well. I'm still not straight, he was able to get 2 degree's but says it will come with therapy. Only took one perc today (pre PT) but will be taking another tonight for sure!!

Glad you have that behind you!
Sending my best for a full recovery from this "big adventure"!
Glad to hear it wasn't such a big deal...Several of us were in great fear of having that procedure..
I was terrified!! I told my OS I was more afraid of this than the TKR for some reason. I kept visioning a break somewhere. Don't let me kid you...I am sore today like I was around 2 weeks post op but my bend is so much better.
Steph, so glad to hear this worked out for you. Let us know how things go and hopefully the pain will get better quickly. I'm sure you working it consistently will help! Your ROM of 130 is awesome!!!
Wow! Does it get any further than 130. Congrats and relief! Jen
[] MUA is done
Steph, glad to hear your MUA went well. That is a fantastic ROM. What ROM were you at before you had it? I still only have 87-90 and may need an MUA.
I was stuck at 90-100 and getting to 110 was torture no matter how much pain meds I took before PT. The prep time was longer than the literally took him 6 minutes.
Steph, I am in the same predicament as you were. I am almost 21 weeks post BLTKR and I have to decide by May 8th if I am going to go through with the manipulation or not. On one hand I really want to do it, and if I do not do it, I will NEVER get the chance again. My left knee is only at about 90°and my right at 100°. They are soooooo much better than pre-BTKR, but not as good as I am sure they can be. My issues are, the cost, the time off from work, and the risk of breaking the femur or loosening the prosthesis. I wish I didn't have to make this decision. Sure would like to read about others experiences with the procedure. What is expected after wards? How much time off work etc.?
I was stuck at 90-100 and getting to 110 was torture no matter how much pain meds I took before PT. The prep time was longer than the literally took him 6 minutes.

Wow Steph, getting it to 130 must be fantastic. Can you get up and down the stairs proprely now? I still think I will have to have an MUA. It just seems to be stuck at 90.
Reality hit two days after the MUA with significant stiffness, swelling and pain but this morning (Sunday) it feels so much better and although I am not at 130 this morning I'm at least 110 and with some stretching today and home PT I know I can bend it past that. ("longest run on sentence in my life"). Massaging my knee last night may have helped also. Again - I would have the MUA again if I needed it.
Keep working and massaging that knee so those adhesions cannot re-connect! I am glad it is working for you! Best wishes to you!
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