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MRSA Strikes Again! (for the 5th Time)

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BoneSmart Staff
Oct 3, 2009
United States United States
Hello everyone,

As I had posted earlier, I had talked about the risk of my having a TKR because of having 4 previous cases of MRSA in less than two years. Well my surgery is scheduled for November 3rd, but MRSA has invaded my right eye this time. I am so frustrated! I have MS and my immune system is in a constant fight with the MRSA and for some reason I can't seem to stay clear of it. Talk about bummed out. I don't know what I am going to do now. Thanks for letting me vent. :cry:

Oh, Sonja....I'm so very sorry to hear about this latest infection. I'm assuming you are going to contact your surgeon right away, right? You need to and then follow his guidance. You don't want to risk surgery when an active infection is going on.

I know this must be very frustrating for you. Be assertive with your doctors to see if they can do something to get you clear of infection long enough to get through the surgery and first few weeks of recovery. My heart goes out to you. Come here and vent any time. That's what we're here for, hon. And let us know what your doc says. We care about you!!!
Wow, I am so sorry. You have a right to complain. I hope the infection doesn't make you too sick.
Please let us know what happens.
We are here to support you and I encourage you to tell us how you are progressing through this fight.

Keep your chin up, it will all work out in time.

Sorry for your troubles, Kimberly
Yes Jamie I will be letting the surgeon know on Monday. I was out of town when my gp called yesterday to give me the news. This is the third round of "pink eye" in that eye in the past 2 weeks so we knew something was wrong. I will probably end up in the hospital on Monday if the new antibotic does not work. The doctor doesn't think that it will but I want to give it a try. My eyesight has always been 20/20 and that eye is having problems now. Thank God for a supportive Hubby that is taking such wonderful care of me! I couldn't make it without him or my faith in God. :amen:
I'm thankful as well that you have someone on your side! Hang in there!!!
Hi Sonja, I just wanted to say I'm sorry about your MRSA, and I pray the Antibiotics
work for you, You are In my Thoughts and prayers. I'm glad you have a wonderful
Husband to turn to. Take care and God Bless, Tom
Hey Sonja Im so glad you have a great hubby..makes a big difference please let us know what the dr says we are all here for ya...........I wish you the best......prayers your way take it easy...........)
We are all thinking about you and praying for you. You are welcome to "vent" here anytime or just come to talk and compare notes. I really am so very sorry that you are having a repeat infection. That's a difficult situation to be sure, but I'm glad you are doing the wise thing and working with your doctor to try and clear this out. You know how difficult it is to treat MSRA but hang in there and don't give up!
Please keep us updated on your progress.
Blessings Always~
Glad to hear from you. Sorry about the infection! Hopefully everything will work out so that you may have your surgery. Feel free to vent anytime we are always here for you! My sister has MRSA! She has problems with that all the time. It really gets her down. I really feel for you. I know how bad my sister is with this.
Oh God bless you, hun. That's a bummer. Praying God will clear all those bad bugs out of you.
I talked to the Orthopedic Surgeon today and he said that I could still have knee replacement surgery if the MRSA clears out of my system in time!:shk: Isn't that risky with prior history of MRSA? I am very leery about having a knee replacement now, simply because it seems I can't shake the MRSA bug. Am I crazy?? :pzld:

Please let me know what your thoughts are.


I've heard of some people helping get rid of MRSA by using colloidal silver which kills bacteria, fungus, and viruses (IF it can get to them.) You can use it even if on antibiotics or anything else.

I started making it 4 or 5 years ago after reading everything I could get my hands on for almost a year. It's amazing how I used to have colds for 2 or 3 weeks and now I have very mild ones and sometimes only for a couple days. I took colloidal silver to the hospital with me to prevent infection.....had it in a Dasani water bottle with my name on it....would take a few sips each day.

You could also try olive leaf extract, Del-ImmuneV , and a good quality multivitamin and a few thousand IU of vitamin D per day. Sodium ascorbate or buffered vitamin C (vitamin C in powder form) is good, Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega.....lots of things which build your immune system and help you kill germs. It's difficult if you're not used to reading about and using all these, but just look on it as your job to make your body healthy.

Why can you not shake the mrsa problem?
I have known folks with it and they were able to get rid of it with massive doses of antibiotics.

You may want to see a specialist to get rid of it once and for all
Sonja, where were your previous sites of MRSA infections? Are you and your family members colonized in the nose? You might need to wear masks and have proper handwashing starting in your home.
Where I work we sometimes have to remove pacemakers and defibrillators from patients with MRSA infections at their operative sites. Usually after a good course of IV antibiotics we are able to re-implant their devices in the opposite chest wall, without re-infection. It is possible
Just make sure that you are getting the OK for the knee surg from an infectious disease doctor and NOT just the ortho MD. I am hoping that you are seeing an ID specialist with your history.
Good luck!!!!!
You are taking antibiotics right do you know the name of it just wondering can he give you something stronger yeah i dont think he will do it with the infection there does he say when he thinks it might be going away with the antibiotics........sure hope it goes away soon........

First, thanks for all of the suggestions. I am currently on Zyvoxx (oral) and Bactrim (eyedrops). I do have an infectious dieases dr. He does not want me to have knee replacement surgery until I lose 100 lbs. I have been exercising and hae lost 65 lbs but he thinks that MRSA will continue to strike until I lose another 100 lbs. I'm not sure how he arrived at that number, but he thinks (before this MRSA episode) that I only had a 50% chance of success. My family has been tested and all have been through the mill of the special scrubs and ointments that you have to use to get rid of MRSA. When you have a comprised immune system, MRSA will linger in your body ie. I have Multiple Sclerosis and it makes it that much harder to keep MRSA from attacking.

I appreciate everyone and I am hoping that I can come to some conclusion that will help me and not drive me insane :wink:
Bless your heart will say a prayer for you and your family to get rid of the mrsa. I know it can be done, even with some that have aids and got rid of it.
it is hard but you will be able to over come it.
Wow I really didnt know much about it but have learned alot from you.........Maybe when you get the sugery though and feel better and move around that can help.i hate to see ya sit in pain and not move on you know..............your strong you will get thru it i know you will...........)
I'm not a medical professional, Sonja, and so I guess I'm missing the relationship between weight and the MRSA infection likelihood being a problem with a knee replacement. Why would being thinner make you less likely to have a reinfection????
Because the bug can colonise closed, moist areas like under the apron of the belly, in the groin and under the breasts.
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