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MRI and cobalt chrome knee

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Dec 16, 2008
Texas, USA
United States United States
I am supposed to have an MRI this afternoon of my neck. Is it safe to have one if I have a cobalt chrome knee??
They're very compatible now, Beth. No worries.
My surgeon's office finally called and me and told me the same thing....that is was OK. I didn't want my new knee flying out of my leg or anything!!!

Boy--I sure do get tired toward the end of the work day. And I'm mostly sitting down, but I try to move around a bit or I get too stiff.
Aww bless you! You take care of yourself now.
OK....I had my MRI yesterday, and they provide you with a CD of the MRI to give to your doctor. I looked at it, and I know where the cyst is, and now it's about 3 x bigger. I'm scared to death.
Beth, I know you have had some problems with your therapist being aggressive and some pain in your leg at one time, but I couldn't recall you mentioning a cyst. I tried searching, but couldn't find any posts from you that described it. Would you mind providing that information again so we know for sure what's going on?
I think I might have mentioned the cyst a long time ago. Like in July or so. I had an accident in February and started having neck problems a couple of months after that. I had an MRI and the neurologist said there was a small cyst along my spine. He called it an arachnoid cyst. He said that the cyst was not causing me the pain though. He said he wasn't concerned about the cyst, but wanted another MRI in a few months to see if it changed. I looked at the CD, and if I am remembering correctly what it looked like back in July, I believe it has gotten quite a bit bigger. It's in the cervical area. Somewhere between 2-3.
I still have the neck pain, but apparently that is probably going to be soft tissue injuries from whiplash and PT did nothing for it.
Oh yes - I remember now! Well, I hope it remains calm here on the symptom front.
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