Getting to the 6 1/2 month point. My knee feels really good. The only time I really notice it is the day after a hard workout or big increase in demands on it. It will feel stiff and tight for ten or so steps when first getting up, but once moving it's fine.
I have started to notice some changes to the numb patch as well. It doesn't feel like it did, but it isn't yet back to normal. It's somewhere in the middle. Lol.
I'm still on my journey back to jogging and getting back in shape. Today I did a 10 minute warm up by walking at a 16:30 mile pace. Then I did three repetitions of jogging for eight minutes at a 13:15 mile pace followed by a three minute walk at 17:30 mile pace. I ended with another 10 minute walk at 16:30 pace. 50 minutes total for 3.3 miles. It felt great to be moving like that again, but it hasn't been easy to get here post-op.
There's been an awful lot of second guessing and aches and pains involved along the way. Probably the biggest ouchie has been my IT band. It's taken a while to get back in order and it's been pretty good for the last three weeks. At times my hips and pelvis/sacrum have also let me know that things have changed, shifted, or are otherwise restrengthening. I also had pain in my ankle on the operative side for the longest time. It did not like to take wieght on stairs or flex at all under pressure. That too is getting better by the day. It's kind of strange that sometimes my tkr knee feels better than my other knee that has never hurt, but now can feel achy... I sure hope that achy feeling passes because it's sure been a long six months after the tkr and I wouldn't look forward to going through it again for a while.