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Staff member since Feb, 2009
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Mar 24, 2008
United States United States
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Is it my imagination or are the posts on the Hippie Side increasing? It seems like there are more folks online these days and I think that's GREAT!!! I switch over and read some of the posts now and then and the group sounds friendly and supportive just like us Keebies. How wonderful!!!
I knew without even reading your post what you were saying. I had the some thought. Is that good or bad? lol
Increasing all over! And the bosses just told me that in the month of March, we had 112,000 visits!
Josephine.....great news about the numbers. Job security for you and a testimonial to your good work here. I am happy to see the Hippies increase (good), but now when I use the Quick Links feature to find the latest posts, there are so many Hippies there I have to pick and choose carefully to get only the Kneebies posts (bad). Not too big a deal because sometimes I read the Hippie posts too. Some of their issues are similar to things happening with a knee replacement. But, Josephine, if you ever have any input into the design of this site, it might be nice to add choices in the Quick Links Today's Posts to select one or the other subjects - knee or hip.
Hey, thought the same thing here. I've been reading their posts to get educated. Hip replacement is in my future too. I also read another site on ankle replacements. Jo, maybe they should add an ankle section here. Karen
I did mention it in my OS visit yesterday. The PA said email me the flyer. if it looks good we may even put it on our info. He also thought I was pretty well informed about everything (Knees at least) and I told him that this forum has been a great resourse as to the process. It answers alot of questions...
I have purposely NOT read anything on the Hip site.... I don't *even* want to know..... I have OA in my spine and I know the odds are not in my favor as far as my hips go....but I can't even think about those possibilities at this point....for now we are making my knees better. And I am grateful.
Hey, thought the same thing here. I've been reading their posts to get educated. Hip replacement is in my future too. I also read another site on ankle replacements. Jo, maybe they should add an ankle section here. Karen

Oh my goodness! they replace ankles too!? WOW. How's that recovery? I wondered about that because pre BTKR I felt my ankles hurting and bones grinding/crunching and worried I may need that and thought tough luck, they don't do ankles. Guess I'm wrong. That problem seems to have been remedied by the knee fix anyway, so I'm glad. Guess it had to do with how everything was (or was not) lining up in my legs.
Yes they do ankles replacememnts but they are not as advanced/successful as the knee or hip. A lot of surgeons still do fusions which is where they screw the ankle joint together and it locks in one position. I find this idea barbaric and would not do this. Fusion also puts added pressure on joints that I am already having problems with so another reason not to consider this.

My surgeon tells me the space in my ankle is only about a third of what it should be so I'm not bone on bone yet but it's very, very painful. I have limited motion so in a way, it's fusing itself. I can only wear hard soled, rocker type shoes like Danskos and tennis shoes. Walking barefoot is a no no between the ankle and foot problems I have.

I'm not an expert but believe ankle replacements require about 6 weeks non weight bearing and then another 6 weeks in a walking boot, maybe longer. I'll start looking into ankle help once I get past the knees.

I'm glad your tkrs took care of your ankle problems Jenn! That's great and I am jealous! I'm waiting for someone to wiggle their nose and make all my orthorpedic problems go away!
Don't be jealous 1 j, I'm grateful. Now the goal for me needs to be to loose some weight so nothing else becomes a problem. I agree, fusing seems quite barbaric. Could you imagine going through all this to fix the knees to bend right and walk to then go and have our ankles fused!? Why again do you have some many joints that are a problem? RA? Maybe your ankles will get some relief when all your knee stuff is resolved as well.
Jenn, I'm not really jealous of you...I'm actually happy for you. I wanted to make sure you knew that since our tone and facial expressions don't always come across on the computer. You have RA dont you?

I was hit by a drunk driver when I was 26. (47 now) I was going through a green light and the other driver went through the red at about 50-55 mph and hit me on the side, right where I was driving. The impact flipped my car all the way around and we landed right side up. Notice I said husband and friend were in the car but their injuries were relatively minor. I got full impact of the crash. Luckily, I don't remember it happening. I call my current problems round two and will probably have a round three when I'm older.
I'm glad you're not jealous didn't really think so. No RA, something autoimmune butt all tests keep coming up negative except sed rate is always high. I am an inflammed person. And thyroid stuff. But prednisone helps and that contributes to weight gain which maxed my knees out and here we are. Seems also lately, if not longer, my vit D Is very low. Had to take RX mega doses for 8 weeks and I and still too low but a little better. More supplements. But guess that didn't help my bones in the way of longevity. Now that you tell your history I do remember your story. What ever brings us here, what a blessing to have made you all as friends and aquaintances.
Josephine.....great news about the numbers. Job security for you and a testimonial to your good work here. I am happy to see the Hippies increase (good), but now when I use the Quick Links feature to find the latest posts, there are so many Hippies there I have to pick and choose carefully to get only the Kneebies posts (bad). Not too big a deal because sometimes I read the Hippie posts too. Some of their issues are similar to things happening with a knee replacement. But, Josephine, if you ever have any input into the design of this site, it might be nice to add choices in the Quick Links Today's Posts to select one or the other subjects - knee or hip.

Well, I'll ask but I am still waiting to see if the Webmaster will give us a separate forum for hanging out together to keep the chitchat apart from the knee/hip stuff so new members won't have to search all over. IOW, don't hold your breath!

Oh my goodness! they replace ankles too!? WOW.

They do almost every joint nowadays - toes, ankles, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers. They even have a special device for replacing the disk one traditionally 'slips' when you get a bad back, so that's a kind of joint replacement - after a fashion.

Yes they do ankles replacememnts but they are not as advanced/successful as the knee or hip. A lot of surgeons still do fusions which is where they screw the ankle joint together and it locks in one position. I find this idea barbaric and would not do this.

Back in the dark days we used to fuse knee joints and even hip joints before joint replacements became de rigeur. Now that WAS barbaric. Because, for obvious reasons, you could only have one of the four major lower limb joints fused and the rest you had to put up with.
My - that was a thread killer and no mistake!
I suppose after the thought of how it could have been and how fortunate we are about how it is, there is nothing else to say! :-0
So true about the fortunate part! When I first started having serious knee problems back in the 70s, it was predicted that I'd be in a wheelchair by my mid-30s. Well...massive reconstruction in the mid-80s helped (and that was kinda new ideas for that at the time, although TKRs were happening they were still limited to "old" people).

Now with the good TKRs, I can look forward to being mobile and walking my entire life! Who'da thunk it?

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