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more fears as time gets closer....

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junior member
Mar 8, 2009
United States United States
My pre op appt. has been set and I am embaraased to admit it, but the chest x-ray panics me because i have been a "Social " smoker, not daily, for many years. what are the odds the xray will show cancer? am i being paranoid?
Yes, I am sure you are worrying about nothing. If you had chest problems you would know about it. Try not to worry, I know that is easier said than done - just think about how good you will feel in a few months time.

When is your pre-op? I have got mine in the morning - I also have concerns over what might show up. My worry is blood pressure, cos I know mine can be pretty erratic. I am not currently on tablets for it but have been in the past.
I remember being in your position and with the xray, it will be ok.
Pre-op not bad at all. When are you all having your surgeries, sounds like soon. Well we will be there for you all with any questions. Take care, Im sure it will be ok. I wish you both well. Hang in there, you will soon be on here giving advice to people on your expierence........Kim
Thanks Kim, my op is on the 2nd June - only 3 weeks away. Feel positive but apprehensive. This site is so helpful with answers to all my questions, plus it is so supportive as well.
I guess if we didn't get nervous about such a big event, we'd be a bit crazy. For me a big part of the jitters is not knowing for sure just how I will feel and what I will be able to do--boy, I guess I am as controlling as my kids used to tell me I was-LOL!
Having all the wonderful people at BoneSmart to help pull us through is reassuring. Thanks, everyone.
The part that worries me about afterwards is lack of independance for a while. I suppose that is the same as wanting to be in control though, I just hate the thought of other people having to do things for me - even if it is my hubbie. I just know I shall be one of those impatient people, champing at the bit when I feel well enough to do things.
creblue, Yes, I remember the scary feeling as the surgery approaches. I worried about my echocardiogram as I have some asymptomatic valve anomalies. But all was well as I'm sure it will be for you. At least I knew I really wanted the surgery because I worried that something would prevent them from going ahead with it. Let us know how your pre-op appointment goes. I'll be thinking about you!
Hi Everyone,
A year ago I was in your position worrying about everything. Also being very independant. I had spine surgery , but this was my leg, my mobility. All went well. A few wow moments in the hospital. Lilke no one told me my leg would weigh 1,000 pounds. How would I get up to pee at night at home. Well darn if I tried as hard as I could on day 3 and 4 so I could get that hunk out of bed alone . It was slow, but it worked.
Do your exercises for strength now, make sure you have stool softeners at home. They never did give me enough in the hospital, so ask for more if you might need them.
Once you get there, the hospital people are experts at their jobs, just let them take care of you.
I would talk with my doc about pain management at the pre op apt with him or her. I am very lucky with my surgeon, he wants no one in pain and realzies it hurts. The first few weeks bring such dramatic changes it is just an incredible surgery.
I know my left hip is going, don't know how fast, but I have not one worry about it.

Take as much time off as you can.
Those are my thoughts this morning.
Creblue, I'm sure you will sail through all the surgery prep work....xray too. But....(she says as she climbs up on the soap box).....maybe this is a good time to consider trying to break that habit of "social" smoking. It would be the BEST thing you could do for your health long term. Please give it some thought, okay?
In my run up to surgery, they discovered I had elevated cholesterol and two partially blocked arteries in my heart which required a cardiac catherization procedure to find. The blockage was not bad enough to require a stint (yet) but serious enough that I was strongly encouraged to change some of my habits and start taking Lipitor.

The problem did not delay my hip surgery, but I am now eating better, have quit smoking cigars all together (only smoked one or two a months) and now that the hip pain is all gone, I'm exercising regularly and have dropped 20lbs since surgery and feel 10 years younger.

Don't be afraid of the tests, be afraid of NOT knowing if something is wrong. Early detection of any problem is the most important step in fixing it.
WELL SAID, MudPro!!! An excellent point I failed to make!!
I do annual health medicals for firms and a lot of the employees get all fluffed up about this. But I always remind them that it's better to find something when it's minor and can be easily dealt with.

As for the lack of independence, you can read my thread in knee surgery forum called "THIS is the day ..." and see how I was freaking out about coping as I didn't have anyone to come stay with me at the beginning. That got resolved but in the meantime I bought in enough food (both for me and the cats!), toilet rolls and stuff to keep me going for months! In the end, I found I had (a tad) over provided as I still have most of it and if I don't get it used up soon, it'll be out of date and need binning! Looking back my dependent period lasted all of two weeks, maybe three!

Looked at from your end, it appears to be a mountain. From this end, you realise it was little more than a hump in the road!
Steph I am like you, I want things a certain way, way im organized, the calender...everything..but i learned it will be there when im done....just will all fall into place it has to..........My prayers are still with you............we will be here for you as well............
You all are the greatest.!!!!!my pre op is scheduled for june 1. My surgery was moved to june 15. I have just had some routine tests done, blood pressure, cholesterol, liver functions are all normal. I feel good other th an anxiety!
I had the same concern Credblue!
I was a 2-pack-a-day smoker for many, many years, then I quit December of 2006. Even though I was already done with smoking for over 2 years, I worried about the x-ray, but the x-ray was clear. It looks like I quit before anything happened.

The pre-op time is to torturous too our psyche, I remember the pre-op anxiety was 1,000-times worse than the surgery itself!........if I ever have to do the other hip, I am taking the first available surgery date, and taking up a new hobby---- "drinking" during the wait time! (just kidding)
Soon you will be celebrating on the other side!

Thanks HOP, i feel better. My problem is I enjoy a cig when i have a beer.! i know that the pre op anxiety is worse than the surgery. I am just praying over it!
Creblue, I have had my pre-op this morning and apparently I am as fit as fiddle! Everything works apart from my dodgy hip, so that is good news. It took nearly 3 hours, but in that time I had an ECG, some blood and urine samples done, plus loads of paperwork and questions.

All very straightforward and now, I realise, nothing to be worried about. I hope yours goes as well, try an drelax and I am sure all will be fine.

Just been organising my raised toilet seat for when I come home - theres a thought :)), plus I bought several pairs of cropped track suit pants, which I never wear normally, so I will be the height of fashion!! But who cares, the end result will hopefully be well worth it.

Take it easy
Creblue, I smoked for many years, but by surgery last October, though I was down to fewer than 4-5 cigs a day, I was still more than a "social" smoker. I sweated the X-ray too--it was fine--but you know what? I had my last smoke the night before my THR and haven't had one since--not even with my evening glass of wine ritual! A drink & a smoke is a really powerful connection, but post-op is the perfect time to beat that devil, since you can't drink while on pain meds, so that particular urge doesn't rear its ugly head. Give it a shot and see if I'm not right! :)
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