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Feb 17, 2008
United States
So I am at my 29th day Post Op and would like to know what others do for PT? There was some post about it on another thread but I would like to know what it is that others do and find effective for PT?
I start of with stim and heat for 15 mins,
then 20 mins on the NuStep(leg press),
20 mins on the bike,
after this I get stretched for about 20 mins and then finished with ice for 15 mins.
My PT says as time goes on I will do different excercises, but I am curious what others do?

I did toe raises, balanced on my involved leg on ground and on spongy surface, did leg lifts with weights, side lifts, squats using parallel bars, always started on the nustep bike for 5 minutes to warm up. Did leg press, elastic band balancing exercises, jumped on the trampoline, jumped on the floor from the right to the left - kind of jumping lunges side to side, did a four square thing where I held a medicine ball and lunged into each of the other 3 quadrants from wherever I was. Played catch while balancing on my involved leg on the spongy thing. stepped up and over orange traffic cones. Held up each leg individually and bent at 90 angle and did figure eights with my leg with a 6 pound weight and then more weight. That's all I remember. I was released at 6-8 weeks PO and I'm at 15 now. They say the memory is the first thing to go... or is it the second? I don't remember.
Wow! Maybe it's a factor of having home therapy versus going in to a facility, but my exercises are NOT so rigorous! I do two 4-minute runs on the bicycle with a resistance of 5 (out of possible 16) each day. I alternate all my exercises every other day and the therapist adds new ones each time she comes (twice a week). The last ones were lunges (5 on each leg) while holding onto the counter for balance and balancing on my bad leg for 5 30-second tries. I've been going up a step 10 times and do an effort at down the step (not quite able to make our tall steps completely yet) too. The rest of my work here at home is "home chores" like picking up stuff, cooking - which involves lots of standing and moving around from counter to counter without my cane, some minor bending and lifting to do laundry - nothing heavy, though!! I am 4 weeks out, just like you, NuNeeze, and feel that I'm doing okay with ROM at 110 this past week. My biggest problem is stamina. I just don't have enough energy to take a shower, do my hair, get dressed and then go out somewhere. So far it's an either-or thing. I either go out for a doctor's appointment looking ratty or get dolled up and go nowhere. Ugh! I won't be starting outpatient therapy for another two weeks.
Skeet, I'm dizzy and not from my meds. trampoline - scarry, balance ing on involved leg on spongything, scarry, squats scarry, leg press scarry. You build up to all that right? I'm still scared of ice!
I'm with you, Jen. I can't even imagine bouncing on my new knee. I'd be scared to death!!!
A little handy bit of info for those about to start their out-patient therapy, take some head phones, ear plugs, ipod, something like that...........every time I went there was some guy always screamin his head off.......really, really loud........real distracting to the folks trying to work...(oh yea, it was me).
I warmed up by riding the bike for 10 minutes, then went to the leg press machne, then leg extensions and curls (for the hamstrings) then hip machne for aduction and induction. I would balance on a bosu ball and crouch---throwing a 5-lb. medicine ball at a toss back and catching it---I would do this 20 times, straight on, 20 times from the left, and 20 times from the right. I would then attach myslef to some elactic cord and do step overs 10 time with the left, 10 times with the right, 10 times sideways left, and 10 times sideways right. finish off with the standing bent leg press and perhaps doing some dips on the "stairs" that they had set up.

Do guys remember the little bird that woudl bend down on the edge of a cup and "sip" the water---I would do this excercise as well, I would stand on one leg, bned down and touch little cones in an arc around me---10 time on theleft leg, ten times on the right leg.

Right now I am at about 185 lbs. on the leg press machine and 80 lbs. on the leg curls---no more than that,though, as the curls place some strain on the new joints. I will not increase any weight on the curls/extensions...I will just build endurance.

Oh, yeah, I do lunges now to buld strenght and balance, and I went through three different colors of those excer-bands...

Tim C.
My very first appt. the very first thing she asked me to do was to balance on my involved leg all on its own. i almost freaked, but I did it without any issue. I started almost all these exercises from the start. the leg press was later, so was the trampoline, but it was lots of fun. she mostly helped me get back my confidence and balance.
So because I had bi-Lats and can stand without cane I've got the balance thing down and I'm done Right? Kidding!
I do wonder how it would be different with bilateral TKRs. Can't imagine that!
Really, it varies some place to place and also they tend to focus more on whatever you are having the most trouble with. Across the board: balance, strengthening, ROM. Lots of differences on how they approach those areas but those are the areas. Some places and some PTs are more aggressive than others, some push you harder, some kind of let you set the pace to some degree. The guy I had must have formally worked with pro athletes or maybe he was just a sadistic bas...........just sayin.
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