Monday, Nov. 2nd is my day

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junior member
Jun 12, 2009
United States
It's almost time...................................OH NO!..................or better yet.....YES! YAY! OMG!

I called yesterday and was told to arrive at 11:30 AM Monday for my right TKR.....Here we go

I'm not prepared,at least it feels that way,but, what the heck! :whis:

Thanks to all you folks for getting me to this point with at least a little bit of my sanity left.


RTKR Scheduled 11/2/09
LTKR Scheduled 2/1/10

PS I just noticed that I messed up the date in the title. Sorry!
Re: Monday,Nov. 1st is my day

Oh Geez, I am such an amateur at this.

I posted in the wrong section,too!

Good thing I'm not a surgeon,LOL!
Re: Monday,Nov. 1st is my day

Hey Tom, OUTSTANDING name!! Best of luck Monday, and may your surgery
be smooth and quick! Take care and post when you feel up to It!!!!!
Best Wishes,
Re: Monday,Nov. 1st is my day

Well, golly, Tom, you haven't given us much time to reassure you! But what a great plan of action you have in the works. We are so glad to know you and hope that you will come here frequently to tell us how you are getting along.

Please don't worry, you will go in on Monday and slip away to happy hour, then wake up on the other side. We will be waiting to hear all about it!

Take care, and thanks for joining us.

Re: Monday,Nov. 1st is my day

Tom! I am excited for you! Very short notice, but then less time to stress!! Best of luck. I'll be thinking of you!!

Re: Monday,Nov. 1st is my day

Tom you are right to celebrate that your day is here. I sure will be when mine arrives. Good Luck with the op. can't wait to here from you on the other side.
Re: Monday,Nov. 1st is my day

Tom, so happy to hear your time is almost here. It's okay to leave your thread in this'll be in recovery very soon and we can just use this one to chat then. You won't have to make a new one when you come back online and tell us how you're doing. You know we'll be waiting to hear from you! Good luck!
Re: Monday,Nov. 1st is my day

Good thoughts, best wishes and lots of prayers headed your way. This is a super group of people and we're all here for ya when you feel like posting!

Re: Monday,Nov. 1st is my day

Best Wishes Tom, we will be thinking about you, see you on the good side. XX
Re: Monday,Nov. 1st is my day

I will be thinking of you tomorrow. I hope all goes well and look forward to hearing from you when the surgery is in the past.
Re: Monday,Nov. 1st is my day

remember the feeling but not as bed as you think its going to be, before you know it you will be sat up in bed and all will be over. this is the best place to get support and information so get back on as soon as you feel up to it. hope all goes well , newfie girl
Re: Monday,Nov. 1st is my day

Thank You Each and Everyone for your kind wishes. It's amazing how much better it is when you have loving support,advice, and shared experience to lean on and get through the anxious times.

I will let you all know how things go.I am almost sure I will have some unusual experiences to share when I return to these inspiring pages.

Keep doing the wonderful work you do!

Thanks again!


(less than 21 hrs away)

RTKR Scheduled 11/2/09
LTKR Scheduled 2/1/10
Re: Monday,Nov. 1st is my day

How are you doing? Hope everything went ok for you today! Post when you feel up to it and let us know how things went! Prayers and well wishes!

RTKR 10/5/09
Oh Geez, I am such an amateur at this.

I posted in the wrong section,too!

Good thing I'm not a surgeon,LOL!

Well, it's in the right section now! :hehe:

How y'doing, matey? Looking forward to hearing from you.
Well, I just got home and everything went really well.

But I am not a happy camper right now.

I need pain meds,my wife is supposed to be picking them up, she will but she has to finish her shift at work before she brings them home.

How did all of you do this? Lying flat with foot rasied above heart with nothing beneath knee? What a killer!

I'm about to lose it.

I am also supposed to keep my foot straight up and not let it "roll open"


Sorry for ranting.:hissy:


PS Thanks for fixing the date in my title!:wub:

RTKR Nov 2 2009
LTKR scheduled Feb 1 2010
Oh, sorry we didn't tell you about the painful positions you must hold after the surgery. Nothing under the knee is almost torture, isn't it? And you are very brave for going without your pain meds. No option, right?
I hope she gets home soon. Be aggressive when you get them, get the pain down fast.

Let us know how you are, Kimberly
Thanks, got the first two fast acting morphine in and am feeling better but not good enough to post.

I will try again later (tomorrow). Right now I just want to fall asleep.

Thanks all,

You don't need to have nothing behind the knee. For pity's sake! You can have a soft pillow or something that is supporting the length of the leg. Just so long as you don't have a bunch of stuff right behind the joint.
It's really uncomfortable and at times just flat out painful not to have support under that knee. For me, I dind't have to elevate it, I just had to keep it out straight, toes pointed upwards, I hated it, but it was worth it. I have great extension. Just not so good flex. Glad to hear you're home and hope you get that pain under control quickly. Keep up on those meds, it's no fun playing the catching up game!

RTKR 10/5/09
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