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MIS Knee surgery question!

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Nov 4, 2007
Hello again all,my new question is on minimally invasive surgery(MIS) what I really wanted to know is, is it possible to perform a TKR using MIS? I only ask because we read about the benefits of this type of opp.
If it all depends on which surgeon your under,is there a process you can undergo that will assure you consult with a surgeon that specialises in the MIS procedure.I,m not at all worried about my own TKR coming soon its just that if the MIS is better I want it! and if the sole reason i cant have it is because my particular surgeon doesnt do it, can I have one that does.
It probably sounds like i,m asking a lot, but if we get a quicker recovery out of this we,re freeing up extra care time and a hospital bed sooner.
By the way I am a NHS patient, will this have a deciding factor?
regards all Klinger
Okay - this is my home territory so I can speak with some authority!

First off, klinger, yes, MIS TKRs are not only possible but routinely carried out in some centres but, sadly, not that many. I do know that whilst the unicompartmental was originally considered the best, total knees can now be done as well. BUT if the patient has chubby or bulky knees this will make the procedure so difficult that most surgeons will not consider it. I was turned down for that reason! :-( If a patellar button is required, that can be a contraindication as well, I believe.

But for the appropriate individual, the MIS TKR is a great benefit as none of the major ligament and muscles are divided or even interfered with very much, so the recovery and rehab is amazingly quick and the whole procedure results in a lot less pain. Normal life is returned to very quickly.

If you would tell me your location (county will do) I can tell you the centres in your locale where this might be being carried out. Then you can ring them and ask if they will be prepared to see you. After that, it will be up to your GP to refer you.

As regards being NHS, we all have the option to choose where and to whom we go for surgery but you have to know who that is before you go to your GP and state your requirements. He might know of centres or he might not, but it's not his job to hunt them up for you (unless he's feeling magnanimous!!). Down side is that if you have to go outside your health authority's catchment area, it will be billed by the one you go to so you will have to apply to them for the funding. You may or may not succeed in that. Up side is, that if MIS is not available in your area and you can get your GP to agree it would be better for you, then that might just be enough to swing it. But first you need to see the other surgeon and find out a) if he is prepared to accept you and b) if this procedure is suitable for you.

Look forward to hearing from you.
Hi again Josephine,you deserve a medal.I,m located in Droitwich ,worcestershire and dont mind treveling as long as i,m a suitable candidate for the procedure of course.Once again thanks very much,kind regards klinger
Okay, two places you might try

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You need to ring them first, ask to speak to the secretary of the senior orthopaedic surgeon or the Department of Joint Reconstruction or Surgery (different places have different names!) and ask if any of their surgeons are routinely carrying out MIS knee replacements.

Best of luck - let me know how you get on.
Thanks josephine,i,m definately going to make the necessary calls and see what happens, once again thanks a lot klinger
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