Hello again all,my new question is on minimally invasive surgery(MIS) what I really wanted to know is, is it possible to perform a TKR using MIS? I only ask because we read about the benefits of this type of opp.
If it all depends on which surgeon your under,is there a process you can undergo that will assure you consult with a surgeon that specialises in the MIS procedure.I,m not at all worried about my own TKR coming soon its just that if the MIS is better I want it! and if the sole reason i cant have it is because my particular surgeon doesnt do it, can I have one that does.
It probably sounds like i,m asking a lot, but if we get a quicker recovery out of this we,re freeing up extra care time and a hospital bed sooner.
By the way I am a NHS patient, will this have a deciding factor?
regards all Klinger
If it all depends on which surgeon your under,is there a process you can undergo that will assure you consult with a surgeon that specialises in the MIS procedure.I,m not at all worried about my own TKR coming soon its just that if the MIS is better I want it! and if the sole reason i cant have it is because my particular surgeon doesnt do it, can I have one that does.
It probably sounds like i,m asking a lot, but if we get a quicker recovery out of this we,re freeing up extra care time and a hospital bed sooner.
By the way I am a NHS patient, will this have a deciding factor?
regards all Klinger