My doctor had to travel to France to be taught this method, now he's in Zurich doing more study.....Personally having had the really easy time that Ive had with this method, I wouldn't have a thr any other way
There's a lot of politics in these things. A number of surgeons tried to bar my surgeon from operating, because in their eyes there wasn't evidence that it was a superior method....fortunately he had the evidence to present, the facts and figures. The other surgeons probably feel threatened, whilst the older doctors are unwilling to do something new....especially since once the patient recovers from the traditional surgery the patient is usually doing why change something that is working? as well as all this a particular operating table and equipment is needed
My surgeon says that from a technical point of view it is more difficult, but from a recovery point of view it is so much better, and from a pain point of view....I was on only paracetemol from day 3 ....and only as needed!.....
Minimally invasive/anterior surgery is great