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Milestone Doctor Visit

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Staff member since Feb, 2009
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Mar 24, 2008
United States United States
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Tomorrow (Thursday), I'll be seeing my surgeon for the first time since my operation 6 weeks ago. I am so anxious to see what he says. And I'm really hoping he takes an xray so I can see how my knee looks now. Wish me luck and I'll let you guys know how it goes. Man, getting to sleep tonight will be just like a kid on Christmas Eve!! ...Jamie
It has been 6 weeks w/o a visit to your OS? I am not sure if that is normal or my OS saw me with unusual frequency. Perhaps because we were friends prior to the surgery influenced the visits (weekly) Best of luck. These surgeries have such a high success rate I am sure you will post great news tomorrow.
I had a 2 week follow up and then 6 weeks and 3 months, then again at 1 year and annually after that. Good luck with your visit. I was excited about mine, too. You'll get good news, I'm sure.
Jamie your doctor is going to be so proud of you I am sure. You have been a poster kid with your surgery and you should be very proud of how well you have done. Surgeons love it when their patients do well as they think it reflects on them little do they know how hard we work to get those good results.
Let us know tomorrow what he has to say and good luck
Thanks for the great support. It's nice to know you guys share my excitement. And,'re right about the hard work. But I DO think the surgeon deserves one heck of a lot of credit here! I'm just following orders! His normal procedure is to wait 6 weeks and at least in my case, that has not been a problem. However, I have been in contact with his assistants by phone every couple of weeks when questions or concerns came up. I just didn't think any of them was worth an actual office visit. His deal is that he doesn't want you out in a car any more than necessary during these weeks. That was fine with me and the home health guys coming in did checks for him. Just no xray.....the thing I'm waiting for!!!
My surgeon was a blessing....I bet lots of you feel that way. My first visit, I held both of his hands -those hands that did such a wonderful job....I wanted to see if they felt like miracle hands....they did!...they were very big and strong (he's almost 6'5") and he seemed pleased to accept the compliment. Then, he hugged me and planted a big kiss on my mouth (I'm SOOOOO kidding...just wanted to see if you were paying attention!!!)...SUCKAHS!!

Can't wait to hear ALL about your visit, Jamie!!
My surgeon played football for Notre Dame and is still a really big guy. He gave me a big hug the other day right after he called me his annuitant! No kisses though, Patti!
So Patti........I see you've been the perc bottle tonight eh??
If you asking if I'm drugged up so we can play Doctor, the answer is.....uh...what was the question?
Teacher's playing hooky! We have arena-style parent-teacher conferences tonight and so far I have only had 4 parents come by so I am loitering here in between....
The GORILLAS have my knees (both of them!) tonight. Too many steps on these da(*)&$^ concrete floors and cold and damp weather. Back hurts, neck is stiff and I WANT TO GO HOME! (14 hour work day today for me....)
My hot tub is calling me home......
Ohhhh,'s hoping you are home and resting by now!!!!
Glad to hear your evening isn't as busy as it could have been. Keep thinking Hot Tub thoughts. Hope you enjoy the soak later.

We are off to visit friends this weekend. I am looking forward to going in their hot tub. It is outside and they live in the country, they have 80 acres of land, ponds and mainly bush, so the stars will awesome to see again if it's a clear night. We are taking our new telescope our daughter and hubby bought us for Christmas. It's a two and a half hour drive, so I am going to try driving the first hour as I have only driven local so far. We always get totally spoiled there, so we are looking forward to the visit.
Here at 6:30 this morning.... students catered 2 breakfast events... school day.... then conferences till 8:30 tonight.... Calgon, take me away!
God Bless the student marketing class who are bringing around trays of fresh-baked Otis Spunkmeier cookies..... those plus my "little friends" might just get me through this evening. Thenwe do exactly the same thing again tomorrow...
After a nice hot soak, you should be tired enough to get some good rest tonight. Hope so!!!
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