Hi everyone! Thanks for all your responses. I'm noticing that the days are much better for me than the nights. I'm actually not in much pain during the day -just taking tylenol for the pain. At night is when it acts up and I need to take the percocet. It's really tough sleeping on my back and getting comfortable. I tried going on my side a couple times with the leg wedge or a bunch of pillows, but I get to nervous that I will accidentally flop on my stomach or do something wrong, so I'm just avoiding side sleeping right now.
I have to say, what is so amazing is that I do not have the usual pain anymore -it's great. I used to have a lot of groin pain, and that was instantly gone! Now, I just have thigh pain and pain on the oustide of my leg where the inscision is.
Laurie -they didn't send me home with the vibrating booties. Since I was walking to the bathroom quite frequently and moving around in my house, and doing the PT, they said it wasn't necessary.
Question -did you find it uncomfortable to sit? Since my incision is swollen and on my butt cheek, it's difficult to sit and be comfortable -it's like I'm sitting on a puffy butt! hehe.
Regarding the leg discrepancy -I really hope that is straightens itself out. It still feels like my operated leg is longer than the other -I know it's ony day 5 right now. The PT said I was walking as though the leg was longer -I can't help it, that's how it feels. I'm trying to bed the knee and walk heel, toe. I have been doing my exercies, resting, icing, eating, watching lots of TV and just hanging out with family, friends, and the boyfriend. I may actually miss all of this attention
One thing I am concerned about is that my heart rate is elevated quite frequently. I know this can contribute to a blod clot somewhwere. Before leaving the hospital, they checked for blood clots and I was clear. Maybe we just happen to check my heart rate after I have been up and walking? Did anyone else experience this?
The other thing I am nervous about is the "sqeaky hip". I REALLY hope and pray I do not develop that since I had ceramic on ceramic. My OS did not use Stryker, but am still nervous.
I will post soon!
Looking forward to our get together eventually