Me and my knee make the news!!!

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Jun 14, 2008
Southeastern US
Exciting things going on here!!!
Yours truely was on the front page of todays newspaper!
While at therapy Monday, there were folks from the paper there to check out the WII Nintento system that is used for therapy. The therapists asked me if I would mind doing some things on the WII for the story. Of course!
Well, there is a full article with a picture of me laughing as I swayed back and forth trying to headbutt the imaginary soccer balls coming at my head!
The article talks about my having a total knee replacement and how using the game for balance is different than the regular exercises because with the game you don't think about your knee as much. You are concentrating on winning the game. That was the first time I had used the WII. I think I am starting on it in the next week or two for therapy. My daughter called me and told me I was in the paper, I did not even know it yet. I told her I finally made the big time, it just took getting my knee replaced to do it!!
So strike one up for the knees!!!!!!!
Good grief! I just noticed in the article a link for a video of the session.
If I had known my knee was gonna hit the big time, I would have
"fixed my face and gussied up a little"! Therapy usually consists of me
leaving wore slam out and sweat dripping!!!! Hence the "naked face" and t-shirt and shorts!
Is it online, carolina! Would love a link!

I have Wii Fit - it's good fun! My neighbours always do a double-take as they walk past when I am using it! Highly recommended but you can't get one for love nor money at the moment. Rare as hens teeth!
My son-in-law just bought one about 2 weeks ago. Guess I could always
go over to their house and use it. My grandboys love it!
Just got a call from my insurance company regarding my short term disability.
They sent a check out this morning. I should get it on Saturday. I return to work on Monday! Better late than never!!!! Those insurance companies are something else!!!
Carolina! What paper? Give us a name or link.
Congratulations Carolina.
I can see that the WIIFIT would be an excellent way to strengthen muscles and improve stability. Maybe Nintendo will offer you a lucrative contract. Here's hoping!!!

Cheers, Ross
Here she is. folks - in all her glory!

broken link removed:

That is just too cool. Do you have an agent yet? It does look like fun.
Looking good there, Carolina! And it looks like a lot more fun than the wobble boards I used at therapy!
Got up early this morning with my hubby. We went out to flea market.
I used my trusty cane and walked over 1/2 of the market! Then on to Lowe's and then Walmart. I am a little tired, but no worse for the wear. No swelling
in my knee just that darned ankle and heel. So I am gonna go put some ice on my foot. I go back to my OS on the 27th. Can't wait to hear what he has to say about my heel. I am still trying to decide if I want to ride down to the beach (it's a 1 hour 45 minute ride) just to hang out on the beach. It is a full moon again tonight and I love to watch it over the ocean!!
Getting excited about going back to work Monday. I am gonna miss being at home with my 2 girls, (our two spoiled rotten dogs!).
Hope all of you have a great weekend.
I am still concerned about Marianne. I sincerely hope nothing has happened.
My prayers go out to her.
Ya'll take care.
Hi Linda2,
Sorry, I thought I had mentioned my heel problem before.
Oh well, here goes.........

I had a heel spur removed from my right foot January 26th 2007.
The doc had to cut my achilles tendon to get to the spur which was large.
Luckly, I did not need to have an anchor put in to secure the tendon back to the bone.
The way he cut the tendon was up and down not side to side. I spent six weeks in a wheelchair as I was non weightbearing. It was June before I could walk without a limp. By February of this year I had a huge knot on the inside of my heel, just to the left of my scar. (scar runs up the back of my heel).
Went back to the doc, he says it was just inflammed soft tissue. Gave me a cortisone shot. It helped some but knot did not go away. By the middle of March I could not wear shoes with backs on them. Walking was really painful.
Doc took x-rays, said I had bone fragments that needed to come out.
Had same operation April 4th 2008. He did not have to cut the tendon this time, but said there were alot of bone fragments and one area had splintered.
Spent another 6 weeks in a wheelchair! :-( Now, that darned knot is back,
it is awful. My knee does not bother me to walk, just the heel. I can't walk a normal gait pattern due to the heel. The achilles tendon is SO TIGHT!
Anyway, both sides of my ankle and the front as well, swells after walking. Sometimes that knot pounds even when just sitting or when laying down. The doctor who did the operations was a foot doc, but I don't plan on going back to him. I want my OS to check it out. The first operation took about 6 months to really get over. I am trying to take in consideration that 3 months after my foot surgery I had my knee on the same leg done. My right leg has really been put through the wringer in the last 18 months!
I'm going to sound like a broken record, but do you have custom made orthotics? I used to be a dancer (Irish and precision clogging, mostly) and developed some wicked plantar fasciatis (sp) back when I was in my forties. Wearing custom orthotics religiously made all the difference. Your new knee has changed your gait, and I bet that is what has aggravated the heel. Ask the people at PT if they can recommend the best place for orthotics. My most recent ones came from a place that the PT recommended, in fact the man came to the PT office and did app'ts. He measured leg length, gait--all kinds of things. My new orthotics have made even more of change for me as I have arthritis in the ball of my foot now as well. I even have sandals with custom altered foot beds. These things are expensive, but as you know, if it means you can walk without pain in your feet, it is worth it.
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