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Mayo Clinic & Dr. Henry Clarke

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Jul 17, 2008
United States
Hi Everyone,

A couple of weeks ago I asked for advice on the Mayo Clinic in Arizona for TKR and came up with zip. So I went ahead and called them and got scheduled for an initial evaluation with Dr. Clarke one of their knee specialists. I had no reason to pick him other than the woman on the phone I spoke with told me he did her knee replacement and was very good. My appointment isn’t till Oct. 7. Has anyone heard of Dr. Henry Clarke? It would sure be nice to hear of anyone else’s experiences. But even if I don’t hear from anyone on the list I’ll go ahead with the appointment and I will let you know how it went.

Thanks for being there.
I am sorry you did not receive the information you were hoping for from this forum in your first post. You were/are asking for very specific information from a specific clinic. In the 8 months I have been on this forum, I don't remember anyone posting with information about the Mayo Clinic in Arizona.
The people on this forum are wonderful, caring people--- but we are spread out literally all over the world and do not necessarily have the experience/knowledge you are looking for. Maybe there is someone participating in this forum who has the information you are looking for now.

The Mayo clinics certainly have a terrific reputation and if there were one in my geographical area I would certainly look into finding an OS there. I hope your appointment with Dr. Clarke or whomever you end up seeing will give you the information you need to make the best decision possible for your health and well being.

Best of luck to you.
Hi Coney,
I went through the same thing basically I could not find anyone that could recommend a doctor at the Hospital I chose so what I did was simply look at the qualifications of each Doc and simply chose that way. Honestly if you go to a Hospital that does this kind of operation all the time and the Doc does a lot of them then you have nothing to worry about. The Mayo Clinic is one of the best Hospitals in the Country you will do fine in your choice.
It's more important that you ask specific questions of the surgeon whoever/where-ever he is than rest upon the reputation of the hospital.

Cautionary tale!
Here in the UK Harley Street (anyone NOT heard of Harley Street?) has the same thing - though I know it's not actually a hospital. But the thing is, people can get very impressed with the name and think that anybody they go to see there must be 'the best' and top of the tree in whatever area they need. I've had it said to me so many times. Same goes for famous name hospitals like St Thomas' and The Royal London Hospital. But the sad fact is that whilst they were centres of excellence in their day, that day was a while ago and things move on.

Now I know that the Mayo has a reputation par excellence and I'm not seeking to put it down but it's entirely possible to find mediocre surgeons in the most illustrious of centres so you need to be careful and not assume.

In light of all that, if I haven't suggested it before (ad I probably have!) read my post
How to choose a surgeon and a prosthesis
Josephine, You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth. It Is True, True, True! My Son, Who Does Dna Research At The U Of Arizona School Of Pharmacology, Has Had Health Issues The Last Couple Of Years And After Exhausting The Doctors Here In Tucson He Went Up To Mayo In Scottsdale And They Did No Better Than The Ones He Had Seen Here. When He Went Back To School Last Year He Decided To See The Doctor In Student Services And That Is Who Pinpointed The Problem.

By The Way I Would Like To Take A Moment And Pay You Homage In That You Have Really Done A Wonderful Job Setting The Standard For Our Forum. I Do Not Know What I Would Have Done Without The Folks I Met Here, You Included. Most Of You Know The Tragedy That Befell My Family When My Youngest Son And His Lady Friend Were Murdered The End Of March. You All Were My Support And I Felt Truly Blessed To Have The Love, Prayers And Support Of Each And Every Person On This Forum. That Was Above And Beyond What Was Given To Me When I Had The Knees Done. I Cannot Praise This Forum Highly Enough And Have Recommended It To Everyone I Meet Who Is Going To Have Hip Or Knee Replacement Surgery. God Bless You Jo And Thank You, You Are The Model Of What A Nurse Should Be And Then Some.

Well put Josephine! I hope it did not seem like I implied that the Hospital was more important than the surgeon? On the contrary make no mistake research the Doc of choice and then research that person again until you are satisfied that this person is skilled enough and has the ability to make your operation a success! The Hospital is most definitely important also but the success of the surgery will be up to the surgeon period.
I don't know if anyone has mentioned the obvious. Does your primary care physician have a recommendation? Physical therapists are another group that see many patients who are rehabbing, and they will sometimes help. If you have a friend that is a nurse, that's always a good place to start. Another place would be a senior citizen center. Let's face it, even if you aren't a senior, they are the highest concentration of folks with replacement joints. Of course if you live in the UK, you can always send Josephine a PM, she'll point you in the right direction.
Well put again, Linda!

And thank you for what you said, Rowdy. I am truly humble by the compliment.
Hi Coney
I am 3 months post hippy. I agree with Jo on the hospital reputation. I lived in Atlant for 10 years. Had major endocrine problems and was finally sent by my HMO to Emory University H. to see the "guru" of adrenal gland problems. I got absolutely no where with him. I found a doc in Los Angeles through much research. Flew out to see him. Success. He since needed to place Interns(some stage of being an endocrinologist) and Emory was one of his choices.
He told me in light of my problems there (he had also communicated with the Dr. at Emory) He was not sending any interns to Emory.

My advice would be the physical therapists. They see the recovery after. The one I had that came to my home said my Doc was very young, but the best. She said for any hip or knee problems she would go to no one else.

Sorry that was so long
Judy in socal
If you thought that post was long, Judy, I dread to ponder what you must think of some of my posts! War and Peace, probably!

Another thought - physical therapists yes, definitely - also OR nurses and other doctors. Anyone they'd go to .. well ..
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