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Maybe someone can answer..

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Jul 3, 2009
United States United States
Hi all!! I am going to have a Otis custom knee techique TKR and am wondering if anyone can answer this question. The surgeon I've chosen is the inventer of and part owner of Otis knee, and is 180 miles from my home. Here's the question. My ankles role inward!! Pronation is what I believe it's called. If the leg is straightened ( My right knee has collapsed inward, and I am so knock kneed I can't put my feet together.) will the ankle problem cause a problem with the knee alignment?
I know I should wait to see the Dr to ask the question, but I have so many to ask him, I may forget.
Hi Titian, Im sorry I wish I could help but I have no idea . Hopefully someone can help you out. Good luck to you though........I hope you let us know how you are doing.
Titianlady, Jo will be better able to answer your question than I because of her medical background. But logically....if your knees are aligned inward to a great degree, I could see how THAT might make your ankles pronate (roll inward) also. It would seem that straightening your knee not only wouldn't be a problem, but that it might make your pronation less. I am eager to hear what Jo has to say, though....she's definitely the EXPERT!!
Hi Titianlady, When are you going in for your new knee? As far as your question I dont have a answer for you sorry, I am going in July 23 for a revision on my tkr and the doctor who is the inventer of the Zimmer Gender knee is doing my surgery,So with your doctor and mine I think we are in great hands!
Thats a pretty interesting question. Prior to my first TKR almost 11 weeks ago now, both my knees were really, really crooked, and it affected the angle of my tibia to my ankles, too. I did not realize it, all those years. I was slowly becoming bowlegged. The left knee was by far the worst, it made the right one look normal by comparison.

five days after the LTKR...the knee that used to look "normal" by comparison now looks horrible compared to the new Stryker knee.

But unless you can find someone on here who had exactly the same situation as yours, you might have to wait for your doc to explain it.
Mostly the deformities in the lower leg are the result of the body's attempt to adapt to increasing deformities in the knee. So your pronation should resolve itself but it might take a while. And the PTs will have some work to do on them as well.
Foot drop doesn't usually occur pre-op. Why do you ask?
I have the opposite problem with ankles rolling out. My original doctor many, many years ago sent me to a podiatrist for custom orthotics. My knees were so bad then when he made them to a neutral angle it was too much so he redid them.

I still need orthotics and the podiatrist wants to wait for at least 18 months before adjusting them to give everything time to settle in.

If you still have problems several months after surgery, see a podiatrist.

Hi Tlady,

My knee was 20 degrees out of alignment when it was replaced almost 2 years ago and wow, does time fly! I was bowlegged. My ankle also pronates inward and is on my list of joints to replace. I can honestly say that the replacement of my knee really did not make a difference to my ankle as far as the pronation problem or the daily pain that I experience in the ankle and foot. I wear my orthotics everyday in order to get me through the day. Good luck with your Otis knee!

Boy Gringo, it looks like someone took your lower leg and moved it over a couple of inches and then reset it. I know that hurt(s)!
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