Hi all! I was 6 weeks out on Thursday. I am doing well with a bit of limp still but relatively no pain. Able to get around without issues, getting in and out of chairs, couches and bed easily. I take Tylenol a couple of times a week at most. Did some extra PT exercises on Thursday, in addition to scar massage and my favorite game ready icing at PT that day.
Later that day I managed to miss the Belgium block on my driveway edge when taking a bag of groceries out of the back seat of my car. And down I went .... UGH! Luckily I didn't hurt my hip as I fell into a slight incline in the yard and really jolted my entire body, mostly shoulders and wrists. Turned over and sat on my butt in the cold wet ground to catch my breath. Texted my 19 year old who was in the house and she came out to help. I needed her to move the dry, slippery leaves off the driveway so I had a better spot to push off and get back up.
I hate falling!!
I have fallen a handful of times in the past 20 years and can't believe I fell with my new hip. Last time I fell about 6 years ago, I turned my body to miss asphalt on the face and completely tore my rotator cuff resulting in surgery to repair this. Anyway, my body is sore but hip is fine. I had my 6 week follow up visit with my surgeon yesterday. X-ray shows all looks well. Phew! I will be continuing PT for a few weeks not so much for healing but to continue to work on improving my gait, reducing inflammation and reducing the stiffness in my joint.
So taking it easy and stretching while my body loosens back up. A walk a little later but in the meantime some cat therapy with Ollie and Jazz. Lap warmers.
Pretty pictures of my new hip, both hips and the cat warmers. The surgeon added one screw to this hip replacement as I had cysts which made him want to increase stability. He made me laugh as he relayed a discussion the residents had while surgery was ongoing. It had to do with one hip not matching the other as it had a newer implant version and a screw. He rightfully advised that I would not care about this as long as they work well for as long as possible!
Grateful for my talented, experienced and down to earth surgeon.