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manitulation on my knee

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junior member
Jun 27, 2008
Hi everyone its been a while since if posted, so i went to see my sergon yesterday and im 4 mths out and my pt could only get 90* bend im bumed because the surgon said that i had to have a manitulation on it . So i was wondering if any one else has had this done and if there is alot of pain with this and how long recovery was.Also how long you were in the hospital and if it will take mths for recovery like after we have surgery. Well everyone bye for now and HAPPY FIFTIETH ANIVERSARY JOESPHINE!
I have not had the manipulation surgery but have read many posts and I think I would be safe in saying that they seem to recover pretty quickly and make much better progress. I am pretty sure there are probably a couple of days you will be sore afterwards but that it passes and then you get ROM like the OS and YOU want. Good luck, I know you have had a difficult time and will be so glad to put this behind you. We had our surgeries about the same time, mine was May 13, so I do remember you. Will keep you in my prayers. I hope you start posting more often. I don't know what I would have done without this website and still show up everyday. Rowdy
Hi Everyone,well i go oct.1 to get my manituation im little nervos but i pray that things will go good. this is for the newbies i had surgery 4/28/08 and im 5 mths out my pain is at a 0-1 pain leavel witch i didnt think the pain would ever get better and it does. Hi rowdy how are you good i pray.well i will let you all no on fri. or sat. how it went so god bless you all.
This surprises me. My OS said manipulations needed to be done between 6 and 8 weeks for best results. After that he felt it was a wasted process. Anyone else have input to this from their OS?

Different surgeons have different opinions, Dale. And they can vary widely.
Dale, I had a manipulation at 8 months at the same time that I had my second knee replaced. I went into the manipulation with extension at -15 and flex at 115. My main priority was getting the leg straight. The Manip got me to -3 and 120-125. This made a huge difference for me, especially for the extension. I was having a hard time just standing because I had to use muscle to stand instead of the knee locking into place. Was it a wasted process? NO WAY! Karen
Hi Everyone, im home this went well thay took me 10:30am and i was home at2:30pm today.i had a nerve block and a iv sedation my leg is a little sore but still numb a little.i go to pt tomrrow so i will no how more bend i got i only had 90* and that was not ok with my doctor and i i have 140* in my other leg. He also sent a cpm machien home with me im 8hrs a day on it and 1hr pt for the next10 days straight eeeeeeeck! well im tired so time to snozzzze a while ill wright more later.
Janet, glad all went well for you today. I also had an MUA back in July. I was 92 ROM before and the next day my PT got it to 97. It went back to 95 once and it's been slow going and a few more backward steps, but today I was at 107. I walk very well now, but still have trouble getting out of the car and off the sofa etc. but it was so worth doing. Make sure you keep exercising it, I also do somw aquafit. Using the stationary bike helps a lot.

Good luck to you...Sue
Great stuff! Hope it continues to improve now.
Hi everyone, i went to pt yesterday and got 104* and my pt said i would be at 125* in no time and i think the cpm michien is awsome im on it for 8 hrs a day. I think thay should send one home with all of us for 2 weeks after surgery any ways im a happy camper now and the manulation was not as screay as thay make it sound and it is for the best when we get stuck at the top of the hill so im happy now ill keep posting and we do get better and the pain does go away! till later
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