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Jul 31, 2008
United States
I am almost at 8 weeks post knee replacement surgery. I am relatively young (almost 50), pretty active, back at work, walking with a limp. Re ROM, I can get to 103 degrees bent but not much further. I am scheduled for a manipulation with epidural anesthesia and a night in the hospital on Monday. Following the manipulation I will use a perpetual motion machine continuously for the following week, and continue with therapy. I was wondering if anyone could share their experiences with this procedure. How is the knee after manipulation? Are you back to walking right away? Thanks!
Hey Linda, I had an MUA a few weeks ago, I was 6 months out, I am 54 by the way. I walked from the car when I got home, the same day, and up the stairs to my bed for a couple of hours sleep. Then I went downstairs for a few more hours. Yes I was sore and stiff, but it was bearable with painkillers. not as bad as I had thought it would be. I heard the scar tissue tearing away, I also had an epidural, it was like velcro pulling away. He got it to about 110-120.

The next morning I was at physio and I got from my previous 93 to 97 degrees ROM. Had another session of physio 2 days later, same 97. Last week I was at 100 and this week 102. I also go to aquafit twice a week now and one PT. I still have to do the exercises and stationary bike at home and my hubby pushes my knee at night. I am at -3with extension. I can walk down the stairs almost properly, but it still hurts and I still have to hold on tight. I still have a lot of stiffness in my knee, but I know it will go one day.I think I am finally seeing light at the end of this tunnel. I had problems with swelling which is why it has taken this long. It is wonderful not having the joint pain anymore, I am really pleased I had it done.

I will need the other one done in the future, but am coping with the cortisone at the moment, but I wouldn't hesitate to get it done when that time comes. I am hoping to be able to dance with my hubby again at our friends wedding next week.

You already have 103 ROM so you should do really well. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
Wow – thanks for the encouragement. I saw my surgeon this week for post op X-rays etc. We discussed my ROM and he asked if I wanted him to bend the knee, and I answered sure; I naively thought he meant he would bend it like the physical therapist had been doing, and I was waiting for him to go ahead. Then he sent the nurse in with instructions and paperwork. I had no idea what I was in for! I am doing stairs one leg at a time right now. I’ll let you know how it goes. All the best with your knee!
All the best, Linda - love that name!
Hi Josephine: I do feel reconstructed! I had my first hip replacement in 1988 (due to RA) and had a second revision earlier this year after the cemented titanium rod in my femur broke in two. This third surgery was much more complicated that the earlier ones. The bad hip led to final collapse of my worn out arthritic knee on the other side (could no longer be controlled by steroid injections). Now I have 2008 models for hip and knee! I must say the knee is a bit more work and pain than the hip. Thanks for the support.
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