Well it is 2:30 am and I can't sleep. Everyone said work it, keep bending it, elevate and ice. I have done all of that. I worked out today at the fitness club and I could hardly ride the bike. It took awhile to get my knee loosened up before I could pedal faster. I can hardly bend my knee now without a lot of pain. Ever time I move I wake up. Have I over done it? It is like starting all over again with the increased pain. I finally got up and took 4 Ibuprofens and a Percocet. So now I am waiting for some relief so I can go back to sleep. And what do I do turn on the TV and see all the Katrina stuff on the weather channel.
Probably another reason I can't sleep is anxiety over Gustav. They seem so sure this storm is coming right at us. My husband says Oh it can do anything before it gets here. The thought of another hurricane coming in here again like Katrina scares me half to death. That was a depression I really don't want to have to go through again and all that clean up. Gas prices are already going up. We filled our cars up today and a couple of gas cans, before the price got to high.
Well I feel a little sleepy so I guess I will go lay back down.
Good night