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Manipulation tomorrow AM pray for all to go well

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junior member
Jul 27, 2008
United States-Mississippi Gulf Coast
My manipulation is in the morning and I'm nervous. I have read about the other manipulations and feel I am doing the right thing. Pray for me please. I need to get back to work ASAP, I have no more paychecks.

Thanks Sue

You will definately be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. I hope that all goes well and you are able to return to work ASAP. Keep positive thoughts!!!

Sue, hope all goes well today. Everyone who gets it seems to truly benefit after, so best and onward! :-)
Ok I'm up and getting ready to go. I am trying to decide if I want to take my laptop with me so I can take all of you guys with me to keep me calm. (SMILE) It would give my husband something to do while he waits on me.

Ok well if I don't take you with me I will be back online when I get home and let you know how it went.

Thanks again for your care and encouraging words.
Hey I'm back and I don't remember anything. It was suppose to be IV sedation and numbing medication to the knee but my husband said they had to put me to sleep. He said I think you were yelling or something. I don't remember any of that. But he did get my knee bent all the way. I still woke up with pain. I can bend my knee all the way up myself too!! Hurts but I can do it!!! I am on crutches but that will probably just be for today. Just have to see how the rest of the week goes. So far so good. I am so sleepy so guess I'm going to take a nap.

Wonder what you were yelling. Too funny. Maybe best if you never know right? Take those pain pills and keep bending. Congrats on surviving moving on.
I was probably moaning loudly since I don't think the Novocaine worked since I woke up with my knee hurting but there was a band aid over an injection site on the side of my knee.

I almost got on this site at 2:30 this morning because I woke up with the night sweats and could not sleep. So now that is going to start back again. It must be either anesthesia or percocet that does that because I have not had either one in about 2 1/2 months.

I go to PT today at 2:30 think I will take 2 percocets for that occasion just the bending I try to do here, hurts like the dickens and it swells really bad. Most of the swelling is down this morning. Straightening my leg hurts really bad too. I wish I had one of those things you measure ROM with. Oh well I guess I will find out today after PT.

I'll write back after PT
Bye for now

Thanks for all of your prayers. I think all is going to be well by the end of the week. Hopefully I will be back to work next week. God is good and prayer works.
Thanks for all of your prayers. I think all is going to be well by the end of the week. Hopefully I will be back to work next week. God is good and prayer works.

Amen. ...............................
When the OS spoke with me after my husband's manipulation, he said that Kevin woke up finishing the joke he started before he conked out. He's such a hoot.
Well I went to PT today. Thank goodness I took 2 Percocets because he worked my knee out good. My ROM was up to 116 from 105!!!! So I have made a lot of progress. Yeah!!! I was surprised I was able to walk out of there after that work out. They iced it down before I left and then I iced it some more when I got home.

I just finished exercising with my husband doing the same things the PT does and I also got on my hands and knees rocked back, which my PT says is a mean stretch but a good one. I tell you it hurts like all get out but I did it any way. I am determined to get it the best it can be. AND NOW ICING IT AGAIN.

I think I'm going to the gym tomorrow and do aquatic arthritis class and then work out with weights. People are asking me if I am losing weight. It makes me feel good and motivates me to work harder. Plus I have a cruise booked for April 20th and that gives me even more incentive.

Well I'm calling it a night. Hard work today. I'm tired. Good night every one.
Well it is 2:30 am and I can't sleep. Everyone said work it, keep bending it, elevate and ice. I have done all of that. I worked out today at the fitness club and I could hardly ride the bike. It took awhile to get my knee loosened up before I could pedal faster. I can hardly bend my knee now without a lot of pain. Ever time I move I wake up. Have I over done it? It is like starting all over again with the increased pain. I finally got up and took 4 Ibuprofens and a Percocet. So now I am waiting for some relief so I can go back to sleep. And what do I do turn on the TV and see all the Katrina stuff on the weather channel.

Probably another reason I can't sleep is anxiety over Gustav. They seem so sure this storm is coming right at us. My husband says Oh it can do anything before it gets here. The thought of another hurricane coming in here again like Katrina scares me half to death. That was a depression I really don't want to have to go through again and all that clean up. Gas prices are already going up. We filled our cars up today and a couple of gas cans, before the price got to high.

Well I feel a little sleepy so I guess I will go lay back down.
Good night
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