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Lymph Drainage

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Feb 28, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Oh Beach, thankyou, thankyou,thankyou!!! Kevin just did the Lymph Drainage routine on my leg. It felt wonderful, so relaxing. Even if it doesn't work on the swelling it certainly made my knee feel much better after, and while he was actually massaging the leg. It certainly makes me feel more "friendly" (you remember about that Patti?) Kev has promised he will do the routine every night if I want.

I am actually looking forward to going to bed tonight as I bought a body pillow today, (thanks to Skeet). I used it to take a nap in bed this afternoon, as I hadn't slept much last night again. It was so comfortable I just went right off to sleep for an hour and I hadn't moved an inch. Just layed on my side with the pillow under my leg from thigh to toe, ooohh, it was so comfy!!!

So I am just waiting for my meds to kick in then hopefully off to the land of nod!!!
Nite, nite, Nurse.....hope you have a restful healing night! ....Jamie
What is the deal with the body pillow? Did all of you go straight to bed or spend some time in recliner first. I think i'm starting to miss my bed. I;m getting better with the stairs so that wall will be eliminated soon. I would be worried about my husband banging into my incisions though. Any risks?
Jen, my hubbie bonked my knee the other night - accidently, of course....he was sound asleep. Of course it woke ME right up. Hurt just for a moment, but it was okay. I would think once your staples are out, a slight knock wouldn't do any damage. But, if your guy is a big thrasher at night, maybe you should hold off a while. Do you have a guest bed to use? Since you had BOTH knees done, though, I feel for you on the stairs. Hopefully you'll get that mastered soon. It hasn't been that long for you yet. I think one of the reasons a body pillow is so good for women is that it allows you to have a more natural separation of your you were standing. I don't have one, but I sometimes get a similar result by putting a melted gel pack between my knees.
I am so glad that was helpful for you. Even if it just helps you relax and sleep it would be a big assist for you. I know how you have struggled with that. And who knows--- maybe it will help in other ways too.

Good luck with the pillow, too.

I have entered the ranks of the night stalkers.... just can't get to sleep until around 1:00. Not such a problem during spring break--- but I get up at 5:15 on school mornings and THAT is a knee has been just throbbing at bedtime. I am sitting here now wrapped in ice, hoping for the best.

Sleep well!

Oh Beach, thankyou, thankyou,thankyou!!! Kevin just did the Lymph Drainage routine on my leg. It felt wonderful, so relaxing. Even if it doesn't work on the swelling it certainly made my knee feel much better after, and while he was actually massaging the leg. It certainly makes me feel more "friendly" (you remember about that Patti?) Kev has promised he will do the routine every night if I want.

I am actually looking forward to going to bed tonight as I bought a body pillow today, (thanks to Skeet). I used it to take a nap in bed this afternoon, as I hadn't slept much last night again. It was so comfortable I just went right off to sleep for an hour and I hadn't moved an inch. Just layed on my side with the pillow under my leg from thigh to toe, ooohh, it was so comfy!!!

So I am just waiting for my meds to kick in then hopefully off to the land of nod!!!
Sorry to hear you are a night stalker tonight again Carolyn. Maybe when you go back to school tomorrow, you will come home tired enough to fall straight to sleep? It must be awful having to get up early too, at least I don't usually have to get up too early.

Take care of that knee and your back. Hope you get some sleep too. Thinking you to sleep zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Night, night!!!!!!!!!
Morning all. Got a better sleep last night, thanks to the Lymph Drainage and the body pillow. Woke a few times sweating, but that's usual for me nowadays, what with the age thing and the Percs. My knee looks more like a knee again this morning, the swelling looks a little les at the moment. Hope it lasts. Thanks Carolyn.
Oh Gat.....I'm lovin YOU!!!...and I don't care if your wife sees it!

Yes, it will be a great fight whomever wins. Can't wait!
Yep, it's gonna be a rootin' tootin' good time at the old knee farm fur sure this weekend! All us gimps will be hoppin' around and yellin' like a herd of toads crossing a Texas highway in mid-summer. Goooooo JayHAAAAAAAAWKS!!! Kansas RULES!!!
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