Evening all. Today marks 7 weeks post op and 3 days back at work (didn't work Wednesday or today due to medical apps) How am I feeling? Exhausted! The combination of going back to work, teaching, being social, the physical activity and then all the driving I've done, has wiped me out!
Saw my consultant & physio today. Physio was happy to discharge me, I told him about all the various aches and pains I have and after some (not) lovely manipulation and stretching of the leg he said its all muscles/tendons firing and working and healing. He is keeping me on rhe sheets till February, so if i do have any concerns or want to see him again I can. Consultant wasn't quite as happy, he sent me for another xray just to be safe. All looked good though and he's figuring it is just going to take me longer to get back on my feet because of history.
I'm happier in my mind that the implant is sound and all the pains I have are pretty much my recovery and the mechanics adjusting themselves after years of being wonky. In the words of my consultant "Listen to your hip, it's in charge. If it hurts stop, if your tired stop!" (Easier said than done Sir, but I'll try!) He's going to do a phone consultation in 8 weeks to see how I am doing.