Lovenox shots

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junior member
Feb 18, 2009
United States
We set up my total knee to be done on april 17th. My question is this, did anyone have to give themselves a shot. Looks like I am suppose to give myself a shot of Lovenox 40mg once a day for 10 days when I am home. OMG!!! I hate needles. I just pray I can do this. Has anyone had to do this??? And how was it???
Hi Jennifer... you aren't alone. There was no way I could have given myself the Lovenox shots! My husband gave them to me. Do you have anyone that can come in once a day to give you the shot? It's easy to do, anyone that isn't afraid of needles can do it. The shots are given in your stomach area (at least that's where I was told to it), on either side of the belly button, so unless a family member can do it, you probably want to ask a female friend.
I gave myself Lovenox shots after both knees. The needle is so small you will never feel it. It prevents DVT (blood clots) so it is a necessary post surgical thing to do.
Jenniferne, you are in good company.....many, many people do these shots following surgery. The suggestions above are excellent. You will be shown how to give yourself the shots before you leave the hospital or by your home visiting nurse so it's not like they just send you home with a box of needles and say - do it.

Some surgeons use Warfarin instead of the Lovenox, but it is a lot more difficult to manage since you are only on the blood thinner a short time. Try not to worry about it. This is a lot easier to do than you think.
I give myself two injections a day of a drug called Byetta. It is not insulin, but it does a really nice job of helping me to keep my Type II diabetes under excellent control. It is administered much like the Lovenox. I will admit that that tiny little needle looked huge the first couple of times I used it, but after that it became nothing at all. I never thought I could do it, either--but I could. It's amazing what we can do.
I just got done giving myself a Lovenox shot 10 minutes ago.......6 down and 4 to go!

The first one I did, I just sat there with the needle in position, but couldn't bring myself to push it in. The nurse watched and waited...... then I just asked her to push my hand in for me, and she did, then I plunged it and I was surprised it didn't really hurt.
The only one that pinched after was one I did when I was in-between percocets. So it must be the percocets that make it painless. It only looks scary....the needle is as thin as a hair, an only 1/2 inch long.
I was given some at the hospital so came home with about 5. The nurse at the hospital never showed me how to do it, so the visiting nurse did. I have given myself nightly growth hormone shots for almost 2 years so they really are no big deal. The only thing that hurts a little is if the alcohol is not dry when you inject it, then it stings.
You will be fine even if you have to do it yourself.
I was given some at the hospital so came home with about 5. The nurse at the hospital never showed me how to do it, so the visiting nurse did. I have given myself nightly growth hormone shots for almost 2 years so they really are no big deal. The only thing that hurts a little is if the alcohol is not dry when you inject it, then it stings.
You will be fine even if you have to do it yourself.

Hey Judy, am I allowed to ask what you have growth hormone for. My teenage boy has it because he has stopped growing as a result of radiation therapy
This is just another example of how luck
You folks are to find this forum BEFORE
Your surgery!
The day before I was scheduled to leave rehab
After my RTHR, When the nurse came
Into my room with the needle, telling me
She was going to give me a shot in my stomach,
I refused it,,,,,all I could think of are those
Infamous series of rabies shots!
Since no one even explained what it was,
Of course I was monitored on Coumadin.
Having my blood monitored weekly, I never
Could get the right "therapeutic" dose....STILL
Don't know what that ever meant,,,,,But
I was very active from the start!!! I guess
In my case,,,,,ignorance WAS bliss! :)
Hi Jenn,
I too was terrified when they told me about the shots and immediately my mind was racing thinking of who could do this for me. At the hospital the nurse made me give myself one and I have to say I was surprised how easy it was. As everyone said before the needle is so small, it's really just a tiny pinch. Compared to the surgery this is a snap.
I have a rare endocrinology condition called hypopituitarism. My pituatary gland is not producing what it should be and as it is the master gland, it filters down to pretty much every hormone in my body. I had been on replacement therapy for estrogen/progesterone , thyroid , and some others, some did not matter at my age . Anyway growth hormone is produced by the pituatary and when my levels were tested they were the lowest this dr. had ever seeen.
In adults the lack of growth hormone causes rapid acceleration of the degeneration process. Thus osteoporosis, cartilage degeneration, blood vessel issues and on. Also a major weakness of muscles, turns muscles to fat.
Anyway there is much more to it and I am the luckiest person in the world to have found my researcher endocrinologist here in Los Angeles. He has a clinic one night per week and does medical research during the day. He has written the chapters of medical text books on the adrenal and thyroid gland. When living in Goergia, I found him when I got so frustrated with the docs there just telling me I was aging.
He literally saved my life.

It also interfere's with cortisol which is our bodies antiimflammatory drug. My doc just prescribed a 6 day dose of steroids yesterday, which i really needed and forgot I might really need. It also effects memory and cognitive functioning.
So nightly injections which now make me only worry about always having good health insurance as I would never be able to afford them!!!!!!

How is your son doing ?

Jamie it is still about shots, sorry about being so long.
Don't worry,'re post is just fine!!! I'm just amazed at all you have been thorugh.
Judy! So glad you have found such a
Wonderful,caring doctor to guide you
Through! I'm your #1 fan! Keep up the good
Work! :)
I had LTKR on Feb 23 and gave myself the shots (7 days). When I first heard about it, I admit I was a little freaked out. I pictured a big needle but it was really very small gaget. At the hospital the nurse showed me how to do it on my second day and I did it myself with her help on the third. Ask them for their help. Once I came home it was easy. Didn't hurt at all. Worst part was "the idea" and "watching it" go in ...but it was really a breeze. My best to you.

I was concerned also. I had to give myself 2 a day in the hospital and then continue for 20 days at home ! I didn't like it, but I did it. When I finished up the syringes, I had cleared a milestone for sure.
Really. Don't worry about the Lovenox, whether you do it yourself or get someone else to. I am doing my own, and it's not a big deal. You pinch an inch of tissue somewhere on your belly, and the little needle goes in so easily that I would bet that if you had your eyes closed and someone else did it, you wouldnt even feel it at all.
I, too, gave myself the shots twice a day. I have no fear of needles, but I found the idea of the shots irritating since I was already dealing with the pain of a new knee.

The shots, as others have said, are worth it—better the shots than deep vein thrombosis.

You can do it. Hey, if you can have your knee replaced, you can easily administer these shots to yourself.
It was not my favorite thing, but it really was not bad. My sister had a older doctor who still used the coumadin (apparently the last hold-out in our region according to the nurses) and I think the Lovenox was less hassle.
I had fun the first time I gave myself the shot.
My wife is terrified of needles. When it was time for me to give myself a shot, I walked into the kitchen, and wiped my stomach with the alcohol swab. She stood at the other end of the counter with her face all scrunched up as I slowly opened the syringe. I made a great show of holding it up and inspecting the solution in the syringe. Then I took careful aim and stuck the needle in. As I did so, I did a loud moan and leaned into the counter as if from pain....She screamed and covered her face with her hands. I busted out laughing so hard I almost forgot to push the plunger in.
Needless to say, I was in trouble.

Really, After a joint replacement, there is nothing to those shots...Hang in there.
I just noticed this morning that I have a slight bruise around one of my lovenox injection spots, but for those who are not yet there and are nervous about it, I want to reiterate that I only noticed the little bruise while looking in the mirror. It doesn't hurt. It didn't hurt when it happened, and in fact I don't even know when it happened because of the six I have given myself so far, NONE of them have hurt even the slightest bit.

hang on a second...that reminds me. It's time for my lovenox shot. Stand by.....

ok. Done. And that one didn't hurt either.
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