Loss of ROM

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May 14, 2009
United States United States
I am 14 weeks out and last week I was working out and my old PT walked by and asked me if I would like him to measure me. I said sure. I measured 10 degrees less than my last PT session which was 5 weeks ago. This was Tuesday so Friday he measured me again...still the same as Tuesday. I have no swelling...no pain at all. I'm walking so straight and tall with no limp. I'm walking 1 mile a day. What would cause me to loose 10 degrees? My other knee measured better than last PT session by 5 degrees. On the knee that lost 10 degrees went from 135 to 125.
What was your old Rom # And was it measured in the same way as it was 5 weeks ago??
Hi Cindy,
If your feeling good and you have noticed no difference in your ROM,I am thinking like Calling asked you,,if they measured them the same both times?
If your feeling pretty good,I would not worry about it.

Very good luck!
They both feel the same but it got me down when Joseph told me I decreased 10 degrees. I don't want to go backwards. Joseph...my old PT was the one that measured me. He measured me the same way as he did during PT.
Ask him to explain it to you Cindy. I still say,,if your feeling good,,don't get hung up on the numbers.
I do feel great! I'm doing things I haven't been able to do for years and years! But I still can't figure out what I did to cause this and I don't want it to get worse. My OS said I should be happy if I get to 120 and I made it to 135 for awhile. I will try not to fret about it.
Hi, Cindy, Remember grasshopper, only need numbers for baking! Not for Knee!!!:skp::evil:

I like to count CUPCAKES!!!!!!!!!
hey Cindy i know its disappointing but no pain.......that is great you can get ROM back up to a yr just keep trying ........you are my hero 2 knees at once back to work.good ROM though.........just keep at it you can get it back.........But remmeber no oain that is the goal right..........and you are very active and work alot............xo
You know - what does it matter so long as you can do normal type things? Now if you're a yoga expert then that's another thing, but most of us aren't! As Tom said, numbers is for banks, not knees!
Hi, Cindy, Remember grasshopper, only need numbers for baking! Not for Knee!!!:skp::evil:

I like to count CUPCAKES!!!!!!!!!

Good one, Tom....and absolutely RIGHT!!!

It took me 7 months of PT to get my right knee to 120 and the left to about 123. I kept up the exercise and cycling but my September I had lost 15 degree on the right and 10 on the left. Like you, I can't figure out why. The only thing I know is that I got back on the aspirin which caused the right knee to swell up. I went back to mega aspirin and the swelling is down but the ROM isn't. Also have problems with very tight hamstrings that no amount of stretching and PT have been able to loosen up that much. My PT hasn't been able to figure out why the loss other than the knees were bad for so long that they are just going back to normal. It does make going down stairs a bit harder but over all things are better.

At 14 weeks I am sure you still have lots of time to work out the kinks.

Thank you to all of you for the great advice!

Simon...Like you my hamstrings are so strong so are my quads. No matter how much stretching I do...can't seem to loosen them up. I had very strong legs before my surgery. I think that's what has helped me with my recovery.

I promise not to fret over the loss of ROM anymore. I'll just use numbers for like Tom said...counting all the cupcakes I bake every single day...maybe even count cookies...LOL.
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