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Loratab vs. Percocet

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new member
Jun 5, 2009
United States
Hi. I had a LTHR 13 days ago and am recovery pretty well. I have a question about the drug Loratab. Before my surgery I took it a few times a week. I liked it because it took away the pain and gain me tons of energy. I cleaned house, did laundry, was super mom, etc. It really got me a little high, to be honest (and that's that's I'm here on this forum :D). Since I've had my surgery, they have me on percocet and that kills the pain and I like it too. I doesn't make me sleepy but doesn't give me the energy high like the Loratab. So I ran out of percocet and they gave me Loratab again. For some reason it is making me extremely sleepy. I don't get the energy "buzz" at all but it does kill the pain. It is the same perscription (actually some of the ones I took are from the same bottle I took prior to surgery). What gives? Does anyone know?
I don't have a problem with the pills but have always enjoyed the energy buzz from the Loratab. Like I said, I'm being honest here. Thanks!
I don't know, may be that a major surgery like this can impact how certain drugs react in your system. That's the only thing I can think of. If the surgery can change your appetite, change the way things taste to you, I'm guessing it could do this too. Maybe Jo will have a more medical explanation.
5/325 contains 5mg oxycodone/325mg acetaminophen
5/500 contains 5mg oxycodone/500mg acetaminophen
2.5/500 contains 2.5 mg hydrocodone/500 mg acetaminophen

Thus, according to the numbers below (obtained from
Percocet is considerably stronger than Lortab.

The comparisons, using morphine as a base line, are shown here

[] Loratab vs. Percocet

Acetominophen is Tylenol and paracetamol - an over the counter pain killer

Does this help?
That's a cool table, Josephine, but I think you may have read it wrong.

It says that Hydrocodone is weaker than Oxycodode. It takes 16.67mg of hydro to equal 10mg of morphine.

It only takes 6mg of Oxy to equal 10mg of morphine.

Hydro is known sometimes as "Vicodin", which is definitely less strong than "Percocet."

Great table though, thanks. I knew Percocet was stronger, but never knew exactly how much.
I didn't read it - it's a copy/paste so is exactly as said it. Have a look for yourself and if you find what I've posted is incorrect, please tell me; seriously.

I did check the origin of Pharmer and they seem to be kosher. As I have often said IANAP! (I am not a pharmacist!) so just tried to get some info for youngmom.

I also got this from another source but failed to keep a record of where

Percocet is an "oxy"codone.
Vicodin is a "hydro"codone along with Lortab and many other meds.
.............................. An "oxy" is 1½ times stronger than a "hydro".
Thus, according to the numbers below (obtained from Lortab is considerably stronger than Percocet.

Jo, I think this is the sentence that Workbill is questioning. He's saying the chart shows just the opposite....Percoset (oxy) is stronger than Lortab (hydro). At least I THINK that's what he's saying.
Thanks! That information did help. But I still don't understand why my body is reacting differently to the Loratab than it did before. It is making me sleepy when before it gave me tons of energy. Am i addicted to Percocet now and the Loratab doesn't work anymore?
Easy with the addicted word!! Not in 13 days!! Studies show that real addiction doesn't happen nearly as often when real pain is involved... Tolerance could explain your reaction. So could the myriad of things going on in your body post op. Do some research and you will find lots of information on this topic as it has been well studied.
Jo, I think this is the sentence that Workbill is questioning. He's saying the chart shows just the opposite....Percoset (oxy) is stronger than Lortab (hydro). At least I THINK that's what he's saying.

Ah! Gotcha. It's corrected and thank you both.

Thanks! That information did help. But I still don't understand why my body is reacting differently to the Loratab than it did before. It is making me sleepy when before it gave me tons of energy. Am i addicted to Percocet now and the Loratab doesn't work anymore?

Tahoe is right on the money! But even tolerance would/should take longer than 2 weeks! I think it's probably one of those odd, unpredictable personal reactions that people get. After all, we are each of use truly unique!
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