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Looking for DR in Tucson Area

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new member
Jul 17, 2008
United States
Hi Everyone,

I'm new to this group and to the Tucson area. I am looking for a doctor to do my knee replacement. And advice good or bad would be greatly appreciated. I'm also wondering if it might be better for me to travel the distance to the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ. Does anyone have any experience with have their knee worked on there.

Thanks for all your help and advice.

Welcome Coneyo. Sorry I can't help you, I live in Canada. Hopefully someone will be along who can assist you soon. Good luck and keep posting. Sue
Coney... I live in L.A., so I can't help you with an OS in Arizona but I can tell you our experience with researching and choosing an OS. My husband recently had two TKR's 4 months apart and I will be having a TKR in Sept. We chose an OS that exclusively does minimally invasive TKR's and has done them for the past few years. Josephine describes the different TKR techniques on her thread "How to chose a surgeon and a prosthesis". It's very informative. I can't speak for anyone else but we wanted less cutting, a smaller scar and for the most part, a faster recovery. My husband got all that with both his surgeries and I look forward to the same results with mine.

Coneyo, welcome to the forum. You may be able to find a good knee man closer to home so long as you make sure you ask the right questions; as it happens I have put them in this thread How to choose a surgeon and a prosthesis. I suggest you print of the questions and take them with you.

Don't be afraid to 'interview' a few surgeons. If you were buying a car, you wouldn't hop into the first one with a 'for sale' sign and drive it away, so don't worry about checking these guys out till you find one that a) gives you good answers to the questions and b) you like and feel comfortable with.

All the best in your search.
I had my knees done in Tucson about two months ago. The doctor who did mine is Michael Miller, he is on River Road. Everyone I spoke to about surgeons all said he was the best and he was recommended by the head of Orthopedics at the University of AZ hospital. I have never heard a word against him, only a ton of praise. He believes in good pain control after the surgery and the nurses I spoke to all said what a stickler he was that everything was just so so. Anyway I highly recommend him, he did a great job for me and I really liked his personality. He is very down to earth and takes his time with you, there was never a time I felt like I was being rushed. Anyway, good luck with your surgery. Let us know who you chose. Feel free to email me if you want, I will be happy to answer any questions you have. Rowdy
Thanks for all the responses. I am hoping to start the process come October when I will be in Tucson. Before that I'm traveling around in our RV in the Northwest. I'm still trying to get more information on the Mayo Clinic. I do like the idea of the team approach that they have at the Mayo clinic as I do have several medical issues that may or may not be inter-related. It's good to know about Dr. Miller in Tucson and I am definitely considering going to him. I am worried because I heard there is a severe RN shortage in Tucson leaving many hospitals understaffed.

So once again if anyone has any experience or advice on Doctors in the Tucson area or the Mayo Clinic I'd love to hear from you.

Thanks, Coney
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