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Long Haul Flight

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junior member
Nov 28, 2008
I had a patellofemoral joint replacement on 18th November. My physio has told me that it could be 12 months before my knee feels normal. I was going to go to the US (I live in Australia) in June 2009.

The flight is 15 hours. Do you think I will have trouble with stiffness in the knee on this flight.

Just a guess since a lot depends on your situation, but if you are recovering
on a path like most people on this list you should be able to do it.

Will your knee feel normal is not the question. Will your knee feel better than pre-op:
yes. If you sit of 15 hours will it get stiff: yes. Will it be bad enough to keep you from
flying: probably not. Will it go away if you take a walk down the aisle: yes.

I'm about 8 months after a TKR (which is where you'll be on the day of your flight)
and every day the only time I know I had a TKR is when I get up in the morning and
try to walk down the stairs to make the morning coffee. I wake up stiff and a little
sore but by the time the coffee is done the knee is loose.

So I would request an aisle seat and take regular strolls down the aisle, come to the
states and spend lots of money while you're here. :-)
I would also look into compression socks.
I had taken a 4 hour flight from Pa to Arizona 4 months after a TKR, i had requested an isle seat so i could stretch my leg out as needed in the isle with no problems at all.
Not to mention makes it easier to access the bathroom as well.
Good luck and best wishes to you.
Bulkhead seats or exit row seats are even better if you can get one. You will be able to stretch both legs out whenever you want.

If you get an aisle seat, make sure they give you the "correct" one so you can stretch your leg out into the aisle.
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