just thought to pass on a few things to help make things easier before, during and after.....:D
Weight loss: I'm on an elimination diet, where I have to eat clean, unprocessed foods for 1-2 months and then re-introduce foods that are known to trigger allergy or intolerance. I have to say that losing 20 pounds was awesome, and I've gotten so used to eating clean that when I started the re-introduction phase, I couldn't deal with wheat bread (gluten) but I've not had any reaction to dairy, eggs, soy, nightshades...so far. I've got red meat, sugar, coffee, corn, nuts, and alcohol left to test.
I'm going to say that losing that weight, was wonderful for my back and lungs. I can't say the same for my knees, though! The right knee, having lost the 'fat' in it, is now hurting like the dickens! And, eating clean is not that hard (the first week was hard...LOL), that I had an epiphany weeks ago: that I'm afraid to go back to the way I used to eat, as I hated how the added weight feels on me. I never want to buy overprocessed frozen food, where I only end up nuking it because I'm just too tired to cook a dinner the natural, clean way. :yn:
Water: In the meantime, I've been drinking a LOT of water and noticed the veins in my arms are showing up. I intend to drink lots more, because I found out that it helps the lab techs or nurses find the veins more easily and it helps cut down the poking because they CAN'T find the vein! So, DRINK UP!
Jewelry or valubles: leave your wallet and jewelry at home. if the ring is too tight to pull off, have the nurse wrap a band-aid around the ring before going into surgery.
Pets: if you have a friend or neighbor to pet-sit for you, that's great and it helps save you money--otherwise...check with pet boarders for a reasonable rate. I know I'd have to board my kitty for more than 10 days...so that's $10.00 a day, and I hope the rate hadn't changed in the past 2 years.
Medication: avoid taking meds the week before surgery, as meds are known to interact negatively with general anesthesia. I know I'd have to quit methotraxate the week before, but I can still take my thyroid meds up til the night before. Ask your OS about the medications and which ones you need to quit and which is safe to continue.
Hospital medication: After getting my itemized bill for my LTKR, I was shocked at how much they charged to give you medication during the stay! :shk: One pill is $4.00 a day--I had about 4 different pills at the time. So that's $16.00 a day for the 4 days I was there, totalling $64.00!! YIKES. I made the mistake of telling the nurse all the meds and vitamins I take. So for now I'll stick with just my thyroid med. Sheesh!
Hospital food: I dunno about you guys, but powdered eggs are da ebil! LOL UGH. Check with the hospital if you have dietary concerns before you check in...so there's no surprises.
Hospital Bill: Get an itemized bill for you to keep and to look over. Now that I know what they charged for, I can keep on top of some things like femoral, which I'll not have- not because of the cost, but how it set me back a day when I couldn't feel my leg the day after the surgery. Also...look up "medical billing specialist" if you feel the bill is too much...the specialist can determine if the hospital is 'double dipping' or putting in the wrong CPT/ICD-9-CM codes.
Home: I'm not kidding...clean it up as humanly possible...LOL Messes and clutter will just feel overwhelming and it interferes with the healing process, and it's not safe as well. Have a friend come over to help you clean and organize if you don't feel up to the challenge. Nothing wrong in asking for help!
Cooking/Baking: do some power cooking/baking the week before and freeze 'em. that way you don't have to stand in the kitchen slaving over a stove...or a microwave. LOL
that's all I can think of, off the top of my mushy brain....and if anyone wants to chip in with suggestions, y'all are welcome to jump in!
just thought to pass on a few things to help make things easier before, during and after.....:D
Weight loss: I'm on an elimination diet, where I have to eat clean, unprocessed foods for 1-2 months and then re-introduce foods that are known to trigger allergy or intolerance. I have to say that losing 20 pounds was awesome, and I've gotten so used to eating clean that when I started the re-introduction phase, I couldn't deal with wheat bread (gluten) but I've not had any reaction to dairy, eggs, soy, nightshades...so far. I've got red meat, sugar, coffee, corn, nuts, and alcohol left to test.
I'm going to say that losing that weight, was wonderful for my back and lungs. I can't say the same for my knees, though! The right knee, having lost the 'fat' in it, is now hurting like the dickens! And, eating clean is not that hard (the first week was hard...LOL), that I had an epiphany weeks ago: that I'm afraid to go back to the way I used to eat, as I hated how the added weight feels on me. I never want to buy overprocessed frozen food, where I only end up nuking it because I'm just too tired to cook a dinner the natural, clean way. :yn:
Water: In the meantime, I've been drinking a LOT of water and noticed the veins in my arms are showing up. I intend to drink lots more, because I found out that it helps the lab techs or nurses find the veins more easily and it helps cut down the poking because they CAN'T find the vein! So, DRINK UP!
Jewelry or valubles: leave your wallet and jewelry at home. if the ring is too tight to pull off, have the nurse wrap a band-aid around the ring before going into surgery.
Pets: if you have a friend or neighbor to pet-sit for you, that's great and it helps save you money--otherwise...check with pet boarders for a reasonable rate. I know I'd have to board my kitty for more than 10 days...so that's $10.00 a day, and I hope the rate hadn't changed in the past 2 years.
Medication: avoid taking meds the week before surgery, as meds are known to interact negatively with general anesthesia. I know I'd have to quit methotraxate the week before, but I can still take my thyroid meds up til the night before. Ask your OS about the medications and which ones you need to quit and which is safe to continue.
Hospital medication: After getting my itemized bill for my LTKR, I was shocked at how much they charged to give you medication during the stay! :shk: One pill is $4.00 a day--I had about 4 different pills at the time. So that's $16.00 a day for the 4 days I was there, totalling $64.00!! YIKES. I made the mistake of telling the nurse all the meds and vitamins I take. So for now I'll stick with just my thyroid med. Sheesh!
Hospital food: I dunno about you guys, but powdered eggs are da ebil! LOL UGH. Check with the hospital if you have dietary concerns before you check in...so there's no surprises.
Hospital Bill: Get an itemized bill for you to keep and to look over. Now that I know what they charged for, I can keep on top of some things like femoral, which I'll not have- not because of the cost, but how it set me back a day when I couldn't feel my leg the day after the surgery. Also...look up "medical billing specialist" if you feel the bill is too much...the specialist can determine if the hospital is 'double dipping' or putting in the wrong CPT/ICD-9-CM codes.
Home: I'm not kidding...clean it up as humanly possible...LOL Messes and clutter will just feel overwhelming and it interferes with the healing process, and it's not safe as well. Have a friend come over to help you clean and organize if you don't feel up to the challenge. Nothing wrong in asking for help!
Cooking/Baking: do some power cooking/baking the week before and freeze 'em. that way you don't have to stand in the kitchen slaving over a stove...or a microwave. LOL
that's all I can think of, off the top of my mushy brain....and if anyone wants to chip in with suggestions, y'all are welcome to jump in!