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Linda2's Latest Adventure

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Jun 20, 2008
Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States
We went to visit my son and his wife in Kohler, Wisconsin this weekend. My son works for Kohler doing some kind of cool stuff I don't understand. Anyway, this is about a 5 and 1/2 hour trip. My husband is having some back trouble, so I started out driving. I should have stopped before we entered Metro Chicago, but I didn't feel the need so I blithely went forward. It is still construction season; I hate Chicago traffic, and there was no place to stop. Therefore, I drove for three straight hours, through nasty Chicago, and almost to the Wisconsin line. You might recall that it is my right knee that was replaced this time. We stopped for something to eat and I slowly maneuvered my way out of my Grand Prix, and walked very slowly into the restaurant where we decided to have a light lunch. I took pain meds.

DH drove the other two hours and we arrived at my son's two story house. I went up and down steps many times. We also toured Kohler's design center--a three story deal--many more steps.

The cool thing about all of this is we came home today and I am really fine. A bit stiff and sore, perhaps, but I am paying quite the small price for my adventure. Steps have been a big deal for me since my right knee started acting up in 2001. Now that it has been replaced there are no longer really an issue. Actually, they are a good strengthening exercise.

I LOVE MY NEW KNEES!!!!!!! :lvhrt:
What a wonderful story!!! Thanks for sharing.
It is so nice to know that you had no problems
driving that long, except for being stiff. Life is good!!!
Great news....always glad to hear when a plan comes together. Glad to hear you traveled well. (I hate Chicago traffic as well...any time of the day!)
Linda that's so cool!!! I know what you mean about driving for a long time and then being amazed you can still walk!!! And the stairs! I couldn't do stairs without holding on for dear life and now (9 months later) i'm running up and down not even thinking about it. But still totally amazed I can do it! I'm so glad it's going so well for you and it's just great to hear about your "adventure"!!!
Hey Linda Im so happy for you all you have been thru you deserve it so much.................Keep up he great work..........congrats........)
Linda thanks for the great story. It's nice to hear a good results story, esp when I am still shy of the actual surgery and scared witless.
Great success story, Linda!!! So glad you shared it with us. It will be a real benefit to those who are waiting for surgery or early in recovery.
OK, it's the next day after arriving home and it's still ok. I'm a bit more tender than usual, but no big deal. The main problem is fatigue. It sure takes a long time to get my stamina back after these surgeries. OK, so I'm not 32 any more, but you now, I still think I should be! :D
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