Hi folks. I think I'll start my own thread for tomorrow's surgery instead of hijacking other threads!
Thanks for all the prayers you have already sent my way; I know I'll be feeling them tomorrow morning at 5:30 EDT when I have to show up at the hospital. That is waaaaay too early. I worry about these things. When I had to teach American Lit starting at 7:30am (that's when the surgery is scheduled), I couldn't even pronounce Transcendentalism, let alone remember its tenets or adherents! :yn:
Two of my three sons, their wives, and the two grandkids were here for dinner tonight. The only ones missing were the ones in Wisconsin, and they dropped by last Tuesday. All I did today was thaw out a lasagna I had made a few months ago that needed to be used and they did all the work. They try to pretend that the surgery is no big deal, but I can feel their love and concern. It helps.
Can you believe it! I am completely brain dead about what I need to pack. I do remember it is basically not much of anything. I have my bathrobe, my Sudoku book, my chapstick, my lotion and toiletries, and a brush for my hair. Anything else Bill will have to bring me later. I am lucky that he will bring me whatever I ask for. He is the world's best husband for anyone having joint replacement surgery. I am blessed to have him.
Well, I think I'll go take another Xanax before I start sobbing with anxiety. Surgery is a bit traumatic for me ever since the one where he made a mistake that caused me to see double for the rest of my life. My logical mind tells me there is no connection. My primitive brain has other ideas.
I'll probably check back yet again tonight when I can't sleep, but otherwise I'll see you on the other side! :thmb:

Two of my three sons, their wives, and the two grandkids were here for dinner tonight. The only ones missing were the ones in Wisconsin, and they dropped by last Tuesday. All I did today was thaw out a lasagna I had made a few months ago that needed to be used and they did all the work. They try to pretend that the surgery is no big deal, but I can feel their love and concern. It helps.
Can you believe it! I am completely brain dead about what I need to pack. I do remember it is basically not much of anything. I have my bathrobe, my Sudoku book, my chapstick, my lotion and toiletries, and a brush for my hair. Anything else Bill will have to bring me later. I am lucky that he will bring me whatever I ask for. He is the world's best husband for anyone having joint replacement surgery. I am blessed to have him.
Well, I think I'll go take another Xanax before I start sobbing with anxiety. Surgery is a bit traumatic for me ever since the one where he made a mistake that caused me to see double for the rest of my life. My logical mind tells me there is no connection. My primitive brain has other ideas.
I'll probably check back yet again tonight when I can't sleep, but otherwise I'll see you on the other side! :thmb: