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Linda2, Knee2

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Jun 20, 2008
Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States
Hi folks. I think I'll start my own thread for tomorrow's surgery instead of hijacking other threads!:wink: Thanks for all the prayers you have already sent my way; I know I'll be feeling them tomorrow morning at 5:30 EDT when I have to show up at the hospital. That is waaaaay too early. I worry about these things. When I had to teach American Lit starting at 7:30am (that's when the surgery is scheduled), I couldn't even pronounce Transcendentalism, let alone remember its tenets or adherents! :yn:

Two of my three sons, their wives, and the two grandkids were here for dinner tonight. The only ones missing were the ones in Wisconsin, and they dropped by last Tuesday. All I did today was thaw out a lasagna I had made a few months ago that needed to be used and they did all the work. They try to pretend that the surgery is no big deal, but I can feel their love and concern. It helps.

Can you believe it! I am completely brain dead about what I need to pack. I do remember it is basically not much of anything. I have my bathrobe, my Sudoku book, my chapstick, my lotion and toiletries, and a brush for my hair. Anything else Bill will have to bring me later. I am lucky that he will bring me whatever I ask for. He is the world's best husband for anyone having joint replacement surgery. I am blessed to have him.

Well, I think I'll go take another Xanax before I start sobbing with anxiety. Surgery is a bit traumatic for me ever since the one where he made a mistake that caused me to see double for the rest of my life. My logical mind tells me there is no connection. My primitive brain has other ideas.

I'll probably check back yet again tonight when I can't sleep, but otherwise I'll see you on the other side! :thmb:

You know we are praying for you and you will do fine.

All our best wishes for a speedy recovery and as we say. See you on the other side.
Linda, hope you can get some rest tonight. Once you get to the hospital, things will roll right along and it will keep you from getting anxious. But....should you feel yourself going down that path, ask the nurses for something to calm you. They can do that and it will help. God bless you and we'll talk to you from the other side!!!
Linda! Been thinking of you! Hope everything goes like clockwork for you! If your doc is may just wake up and see 2 of him! Your Bill sounds like my Jay...we are truly blessed! BEST of luck tomorrow! Hope that xanax kicks in real fast!!! This time tomorrow you'll be ALL DONE!!!! Try to sleep!! :)
I know Linda its hard. I wish I could say something and make it go away. But you know the drill. But you will be in my prayers. Keep us posted. Hang in ther we are all praying for you. I so wish you the best. If you can think of the words to make it better, then their all for you from us.... Good luck to
Ahhh Linda,
I wish I could think of somethinf to say to you that would make it easier for you to rest tonight. How about "This is the last knee you have left to give". No ok let me think!
You know Linda it is so hard to think (at least for me tonight) ok how about
"Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely." No? Ok how about
"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." Ok how about this one??
"As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person."
There have I bored you to sleep Yet?? What one more and you promise to go to sleep? Ok then let me think of a good one. Are you ready??? OK wait for it, wait , wait, ok

"When odds are one in a million, be that one."

And Linda you are that one in a million. Now off to bed with you.

[] Linda2, Knee2

Will be praying for you this week, especially tomorrow early am. Hope all goes well with no complications, pain or unexpected details. See you on the other side!

Thinking of you and sending lots of alaskan warm wishes your direction. I'll try to send some ROM when you are ready! Be well and REST!
I'm off to the hospital for a minor procedure but same time so I'll definately be thinking of you. Of course I'm on the east coast and you will be all done when I get there.
Have I confused you to sleep yet.
have a speedy , pain free recovery
Hey Linda we cant wait to talk to you when your done....You are so in my prayers. We are all here for you when you get back...Good luck, but I know you will do fine.
Best of luck Linda! You will do great! Just you read this...the surgery will have been over with for hours. Hope you are doing fine. You are in our prayers. We all love you. You live only about 4 hours from me so what do you say we go jogging in a few weeks? LOL. I'll be done with my surgery by then, we can hang for awhile, go dancing...? Sound good?:hehe: O.K. maybe in a few months. You take care and do what the Dr. says!
Hope you are feeling better now that you are on the other side with your other knee.

Look forward to seeing your post. Here are some roses for you.


  • [] Linda2, Knee2
    35.6 KB · Views: 186
Hello Everyone,

I'm back again! Actually, I got out yesterday, but never made it to the computer. Boy, do I have some stories to tell! The best story, however, is that the surgery was very successful, and there are indications that this knee sill be the easier of the two for me. That is a very good thing. I know the prayers helped, but must as important, in my opinion, is that my awareness of all the prayers offered up on my behalf helped me to more optimistic. I felt your praying hands offering me up for healing. Thank you one and all.

The surgery itself only took about an hour and half. The surgeon said that my leg was straight and he didn't have to do much with the soft tissue. I asked him if the bone was all rough where it was rubbing, and he said that on the contrary it was very smooth and shiny, like polished stone from the constant rubbing. The patella was getting thin, so I guess the timing for this surgery was on target because he didn't mention having any trouble securing the patellar button. The pain control was better than last year. My surgeon just turned all that over to anesthesiology because he hadn't done a good job last year when he was in charge of pain control. They actually listened to me and did it my way from the start. I again had an epidural and some kind of "pain cocktail" directly in the knee. They also offered a nerve block, and I said, "Sign me up!" That was dome while I was in recovery. The only trouble I had with pain was when a couple of individuals did not honor my request to give me the pills on a schedule and waited for me to ring in and ask, and then took an extra hour getting around to it. Then, of course, all you need to do is look at Jo's chart to know what happened. I have learned from her that during early days by the time I know I'm in pain, it's too late. You will all be pleased to hear that I left the hospital on the morning of the third post-op day with a 0 in extension and 86 degrees flexion!

I think that's enough for now. I will never catch up with all the posts during my absence!

Again, thank you for your prayers and support.
Linda, I am so glad it was better then the first. I pray your recovery goes as smooth as the sugery. Take it easy and post when you fell up to it...You are still in my prayers. Your right about the medicine take it on schedule so you dont have to play catch up...Good luck to you.....Flexion sounds good to me and when the swelling goes down that will be even better...
Actually, that bit about the bone being all shiney - it always reminded me of old porcelain, like an old sink or toilet with parts of the shiney surface worn off. It is just as hard.

[] Linda2, Knee2

Anyway, glad everything went okay. Take good care of yourself.
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