Limp after THR

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new member
Mar 16, 2009
United States
Hey guys,
Sorry I haven't posted for a few days, but its been rough. Not my hip but I lost so much blood that I have been very weak, but today is a good day. Hip is great, 2 weeks post op tomorrow and I swept & mopped today, cooked dinner and did a load of laundry. No pain but I do limp very bad. I use a cane. Any chance that my limp will improve. Oh and I am now sleeping in my bed on my side, it is wonderful. I hope everyone else is doing fine as well. Any advice about the limp would be appreciated.
Angie, SLOW DOWN!! You're still healing, and your body is going to let you know you overdid it if you keep up at that pace. It sounds like everything went well for you, though, and that's great.

Cidlady--at 2 weeks out, you should be leaving the sweeping, mopping & laundry to someone else! Overdoing it certainly doesn't help the limp--take it easy & give your body a chance to heal, especially since you had other issues from which to recover! (And, yes, I've earned the "right" to scold because I was a crazy overachiever too!) As I said in another post, I finally learned a few dust balls never killed anybody--not even me!)
You have to keep in mind how much weakness you have in that leg because of years not using it correctly. Even if you were working hard at staying in the best shape possible before the op. it is going to take a while to retrain the muscles and over come years of weakness.
Every week you will be better if you do your exercises and walking. Then one day you will be striding into a store and realize "Hey, I was walking with a normal stride and I didn't have to think about it".

Now that you mopped & slaved all day, you're only going to have to do it againb. Instead of thee seemingly smart activities, you reeally should be focused on healing and resting! You've just been
Through major surgery! I don't think any of us is impressed! You need to relax more! When you're sore the next couple of days, you'll at least know why! Please take better care of yourself! :_
Angie -the limp is definitely normal at week 2! i'm at week 3 and still limping too. If I use the cane it's much better, but if I walk on my own, there is a limp. Give yourself time. Definitely do not overdo it. Make the most of your recovery on really concentrating on RESTING, EXERCISES, RESTING, WALKING, RESTING. That's it! :)
I wasn't trying to impress you or anyone else. I have not moved for almost two weeks. I felt good today. It was nice to have some normalcy. I did not clean my house from top to bottom I just got up and worked the soreness of laying around out. I feel fine, thanks for your concern!
"Swept" "mopped" "fix dinner" two weeks post-op...
[] Limp after THR

How about rest, stretch, rest, eat, rest, walk, rest, etc...

As far as limping, I used a cane until week 6+ a little, didn't really loose the limp until about week 10 or so. Still limp a little when I've PUSHED MYSELF too much (week 16).
Angie! Slow and steady win the race.!!! !
You'd really be wise to heed our advice! We've already been there!!! :)
cidlady, don't take their comments as being too harsh - they're really concerned for you as we have seen on here numerous occasions when people have raced ahead and then regretted it. As Judles said, slow and steady. Your body knows no other way to heal.
You still have lots of healing to do and that alone will improve your gait. However, if like me, you have developed some really poor habits to compensate from pain. The only way to truly get back to a normal stride is to relearn how to walk correctly. Just try to google gait training and you will find lots of info. Find a specialist in gait training. My insurance covered it just like any PT.

I agree! About the only thing I swept was my recliner seat with my booty at 2 weeks! :)HAHA!

SLOW DOWN! It may feel good now, but I'm tellin ya, a couple of days or so later, you're gonna PAY for it!!! Or if it goes ok, you're gonna push a little harder, do a little more and THEN you're gonna pay for it!!! It's a viscious cycle, take some time to be pampered. What I learned from my recent surgery(7 weeks ago), the quicker you get back to your activities, and people see what you can do, the less grounds you have to relax again and NOT do them when you have a BAD day, and there will be some! So milk it a little and consider it a well-deserved break! If you're sore and want to do more, do some more EXERCISES... that'll take care of some of the soreness and won't blow your "I can't do that yet" cover :)
Cidlady, I'm thrilled to hear that you are able to resume some normal activities. You are on your way down that wonderful road to recovery! Take care of yourself and hopefully you'll have lots more good news in the days to come.
Hey thanks guys for your support and advice. I do not have any restrictions except for the bending thing so O guess I am getting bored because I am feeling better now. It was a pretty day in East Tennessee today so I went out and walked some and watched my daughter shoot ball. The fresh air was nice. I will be careful, I would never jeopardize my hip in anyway. I am just very impatient and worried about this limp. I will keep you all posted!!!
I am a very active person, 51, when I had my hip replaced last june, I stayed in pj's for 2 weeks. I did nothing except my exercises, sleep, rest, ice, sleep,take pain meds and stool softeners. No race to do the housework. I only got dressed to go to my 2 week check with my doc.
At 4 weeks I got a little ahead of myself and paid with lots and lots of pain. Don't go there.
Be pampered, be lazy, enjoy, your body needs a ton of rest. REad books outside and rest some more!!!
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