less than 8 days til surgery and I'm sneezing/sniffling...

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May 13, 2008
United States
HELP!!!! does anyone have a remedy to prevent the cold from happening?! Airborne? Zinc drops? Cayenne powder? anything?
Geez Lori Im sorry I still think you be ok even if you have a col. Do you have a temperature. Really my Dr gives me Z-pak antibiotic its only 4-5- pills and the first dose is 2 pills it really knocks it out. I still you will be OK before your surgery but I would give him a call see if hr would give you a Rx......Good Luck. I know your nervous but Im sure it will be OK.....:)
See your Gp, they'll probably give you antibiotics to make sure that it doesn't settle in your chest with a chest infection....at least thats what my GP did, when I started snuffling 2 weeks out from surgery. I understand that colds are viral, but apparently in the case of chest infections etc they can become bacterial....

Otherwise go to bed and let your body work it out of the system, keep the house well ventilated, drink plenty of water ....take your vitamins....I have heard that zinc is good for shortening the duration of a cold....others will pipe in with more authority on this than I have got.

If its any consolation I am snuffling/sneezing in sympathy with you!!

Is swine flu still an issue in the northern hemisphere? Here it seems to have been a big beat up, my gp reckons he was getting 3 or 4 new cases every day....and whilst the patients are sick, they are not REALLY sick. I believe it is still an issue for some immune suppressed/pregnant members of the community....

I'm trying the apple cider vinegar remedy that I found in this site: https://www.earthclinic.com/

Already my nose feels a bit less sniffly...but I'll keep taking the ACV for a few days just to be sure.

so long I don't have a fever I should be fine? I insisted on having a spinal anesthesia, so I don't have to worry about the chest issue. I'm going to talk to my doctor about taking some Z-pak antibiotics.

note to myself: wipe down keyboard and desk at work...
I always take Vit C, 1,000mgs every four hours for 48hrs. If you get it in the very first signs of a sniffle, it gives your immune system a booster and nips it in the bud. Vit C is good for your immune system anyway.
NO zinc drops! New studies suggest they can permanently damage your sense of smell!!! :doh:
No don't take the Airborne or Zinc drops problems associated with them.

Call your OS and they can tell you what to do.
And really REST!!!!! You'll really need to!:doh:
Ok, now I'm really in sympathy.....I'm fevery, coughing, spluttering...feel really flat and miserable....Swine flu??

Off to the Gp in the morning
Hmmmm, I'm diseased....not swine flu, but just regular flu....I feel atrocious!
Vitamin C, rest, fluids....and tonight I'll forget the exercise bike!
There is a bug going around. My sister lives in California and just got over her cold but here I sit in Nebraska with the stuffy nose and feeling lousy.I have never had a cold in the summertime. Hope your feeling better loribee and good luck on surgery day. I am sure everything will be fine.
I had a cold about a week before surgery, too and was in a total panic about whether it would cause me to cancel. Luckily, it went away in time. If you use colloidal silver at the first sign of a cold, you might be able to get rid of it. Spray it in your nostrils, on your eyes, and hold it under your tongue to be absorbed sublinqually several times a day. People say olive leaf extract is a germ killer. Buffered vitamin C several times a day is helpful, too.

There is a tummy bug going around our while neighborhood. I dont let the kids in the house till I spray them down and wash their hands.........Good Luck to ya...:)
I agree with the vitamin C. I also take a natural herb called Echonasia (spelling?). It's a natural herb that helps build your immune system. Good Luck!! Drink lots of water and get plenty of rest!!!

BTKR 7/20/09
Echinacea - otherwise known as a cone flower

[Bonesmart.org] less than 8 days til surgery and I'm sneezing/sniffling...

Native prairie flower of Kansas..... :thmb:
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