See your Gp, they'll probably give you antibiotics to make sure that it doesn't settle in your chest with a chest least thats what my GP did, when I started snuffling 2 weeks out from surgery. I understand that colds are viral, but apparently in the case of chest infections etc they can become bacterial....
Otherwise go to bed and let your body work it out of the system, keep the house well ventilated, drink plenty of water ....take your vitamins....I have heard that zinc is good for shortening the duration of a cold....others will pipe in with more authority on this than I have got.
If its any consolation I am snuffling/sneezing in sympathy with you!!
Is swine flu still an issue in the northern hemisphere? Here it seems to have been a big beat up, my gp reckons he was getting 3 or 4 new cases every day....and whilst the patients are sick, they are not REALLY sick. I believe it is still an issue for some immune suppressed/pregnant members of the community....