Hi and welcome back! It looks like you've started two new pre op threads and I've asked a moderator to merge them.
Every OS still has their own preferred equipment and procecures... that doesn't change!
A major change is that, absent other risk factors, many knees in the USA are now done outpatient. In the case of us older Medicare folks, typically there will be an observation bed on hold just in case. But on both of my 2023 knees I was happily en route home mid afternoon, even on a mid morning OR start!
Related to this is the option for short acting iv meds (plus spinal and thigh nerve block), rather than a general. My June TKA didn't even use Versed - just spinal plus fentanyl - so from OR to waking up in recovery to eating, drinking, and walking with the walker happened really fast!
There are options like thick water-impermeable dressings instead of external stitches and - this was probably available in 2017 - a reservoir of local anesthesia delivering it directly to the knee area for the first three days.