I understand your concern, but try not to worry. When you say "the lady" was it a member of your surgeon's care team as in a PA, or nurse that you spoke with? Did she give you any signs to watch for? While it likely is fine, It's understandable that you're feeling a bit anxious about it. Is there any way you can move your appointment up to this week, so it can be checked and re-dressed if necessary? It may be worth the peace of mind. We heal at different rates and wound care varies from surgeon to surgeon it seems. As an example - I was instructed to care for my incision in a way that BoneSmart's forum Nurse Emeritus, Josephine, did not agree with. I'll list common signs of infection just as a FYI -
Unusual or increasing pain
The incision is hot to the touch
A change in the size of the incision
A change in the odor of the discharge
A yellow or green discharge that is increasing
Redness or hardening of the surrounding area
Excessive bleeding that has soaked through the incision