Lack of feeling

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new member
Oct 18, 2009
United States
I had my surgery Sept.9.
I still have alot of stiffness, and very little feeling in my leg. My ankle feels as if there is a rubberband around it.I spent a month in rehab and am finally home.
Any one experience this? When does it go away? Thanks
Thought you were going to cite the numb patch on your knee! Never heard of that much numbness for so many weeks. What does your doctor say?

As for the stiffness - have you a lot of swelling? Are you elevating and icing? Are you taking enough pain meds? Are you seeing a PT?

Oh, welcome to BoneSmart! Glad you decided to join us.
Hey Twin and welcome I dont think i can help in that area but i would sure let you Dr know thats been awhile now.........just to make sure.........welcome !!!!!!!!!
Hello Twin,
It is so nice to meet you!! I think that you will find alot of people here that will want to help you anyway they can.
You have spent a month in rehab and they never gave you any info on why your leg seems to be numb???? Have you had a chance to bring this up to your OS yet?? My knee was numb for a few months but not my whole leg. I really think you should talk to your OS.
Welcome to BoneSmart, Twinpipercubs! So glad you decided to post. I don't recall anyone on the forum reporting their whole leg was numb so I certainly think it would be a good idea to talk to your doctor about it. Please let us know more as you find out.

Our forum nurse, Josephine, had some excellent questions for you, though about pain management and swelling. Many times you can't see the swelling - it's inside - and it can cause problems.

I'll be looking forward to hearing more about how you're doing!!
I saw my doctor today for my six week check-up.
I am happy to report all is well. All reports were glowing.
He thought alittle more PT would give the couple of degrees that I need for my bend. I start tomorrow.
The lack of feeling in my lower leg is due to the nerves that have not settled. BUT they are..feels like lighting bolts!!!
I want to much too fast.
Thanks to all the replied to my first post. I no longer feel alone.
Hi Twin Just wanted to say hi and welcome! Congrads. on your glowing report
makes you feel good doesn't It?? You are doing a great job and love to hear It.
Keep up the good work!!!!! Best of Luck,
Glad to hear things are progressing nicely for you, Twin!!! Keep up the great work and try to be patient. Recovery does take a while.
I am happy you got such a good report. We all are impatient and want to be back to "normal" now. My doctor told me that the recovery for TKR is measured in months, not in days or even weeks. That has helped keep things in perspective for me. I hope it helps you.
Well said, Red. Must remember that!
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