Hi krobar,
I am sorry you're still dealing with swelling and pain after a week of icing and rest.
Not sure if you walked or used a cart, golfed 9 or 18 holes, but no matter which, it was obviously too much.
My guess is you strained soft tissues or muscles around the knee joint since you don't recall tweaking it. The repeated bending and twisting and repetitive motions of golf likely led to inflammation which can happen while the knee is still healing or overworked, remember, it is a year long recovery for most.
I'd advise you continue resting, icing and elevating until the swelling goes down and avoid an activity that will further stress your knee such as long walks, exercises, or anything that involves squatting or twisting. If you're not already, OTC meds may help reduce the swelling and pain, but you should get a nod from your OS first if you're on any other meds. If it doesn't begin easing soon, I would have it evaluated by a medical professional.
Lots of comfort to you, krobar. I hope you being to notice some relief soon.
Can we change your thread title since you're now three months post op and not "10 days post op"?
How about - krobars recovery...or any suggestion you may have?