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Knees Crack?

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Mar 5, 2008
United States United States
Anybody's "KNEES" crack. the fake ones. I just stretched my legs, also counts as PT, and heard a crack. Was it my knee or ankle. Felt like my knee. Is that possible? It didn't hurt, just kinda twighlight zone....
Jenn, sometimes my knee sounds like "ironman". I don't get on the elliptical anymore because the klunking drives me nuts..It's fine on everything else.
As long as there is no pain associated with it I don't care.
My knees pop loudly like Rice Krispies when I go up and down stairs. My surgeon says its nothing to worry about. It doesn't hurt......
Lately my car's been klunking. I don''t want to spend anymore money!$!$!$!$!$!$!$!$!$!$
I find if I adjust the direction my toes point I can change tunes or stop it. I think it is the new kneecap slapping around.
It doesn't do it all the time and I'm at a point that I just laugh at it. Actually thankful I've got it.

It's funny, I haven't been called Dougie since high school. An ex-girlfriend.
My knee was popping/cracking/clunking a while ago, especially when I did my AM exercises. Jo said it was just my new knee and ligaments "getting to know each other" and not to worry. Doesn't happen as often now. What worries *me* is my knee cap grinding on the lateral side of my knee (not the new part....)
Mine is chromium steel...Mine klunk's!!!
My knee yet to be replaced clicks every time I go to physical therapy. My therapist always ask is that your new knee nope the old one that wants attention.
I don't notice mine clicking/klunking/cracking, but I do have a somewhat related question for my esteemed colleagues. When I am in the shower and washing my hair, (imagine vigorous scrubbing with both arms alternating in a back and forth motion), my 'new knee' feels like it wiggles, sorta like something needs to be tightened up just a tad. It doesn't really hurt, but it does feel really weird. Anyone else notice anything similar?
Hello mates, mine klunks when walking as its going forward to be the leading leg, if that makes sense. It isnt painful but makes you think if its klunking is it going to effect its durability?
I don't notice mine clicking/klunking/cracking, but I do have a somewhat related question for my esteemed colleagues. When I am in the shower and washing my hair, (imagine vigorous scrubbing with both arms alternating in a back and forth motion), my 'new knee' feels like it wiggles, sorta like something needs to be tightened up just a tad. It doesn't really hurt, but it does feel really weird. Anyone else notice anything similar?

Kinda but not in the shower, I don't bathe, (Kidding lol). But some times if I manuveur when standing. It is wierd. I try to believe that it is what normal feels like and I just don't know that because my knees have been not right for so long. But next shower I'm really going to pay attention (Cause I really do bathe!).
Mine doesn't klunk in the shower..
It does exactly as Klinger describes. Not all of the time though.
Mine does wierd stuff at random times. I'll hear something or someone will call
from behind me and I'll twist around and they'll be a little slip. When I went to
my surgeons four week checkup he had me sit on the table and said relax then
took my lower leg and jostled it. It sort of did this rattle and lots of clunking.

He looked up and said its supposed to do that and its working fine. PT guy said
that the random clunking seems to be the hardest thing for people to get used to.

I do have to say as I regain my musculature it seems to be happening a bit less but
I have my doubts that it will go away completely.
Haven't noticed the shower thing, but I'll be more aware tonight. The strange sounds that I get are the knee and associated scar tissue surrounding it, per my doctor. He said it was totally normal....
NOTHING is as good as our God given knees....we've all found that out. BUT, I'll take a little klunking, pinging, crackin' and popping' over a piece of rotten knee ANY old day.

right boys??
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