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TKR Knee replacement


new member
Nov 26, 2023
United States United States
Hello everyone
I received my knee replacement surgery on 11/09/2023. I’m just having problems sleeping at night due to the positioning of my knee. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
@Queendiva53 Hi and Welcome!

I‘ve moved your thread over to the Recovery Forum. :flwrysmile:

Sleeping is difficult this early in recovery for a variety of reasons. Here is an article about it from our Recovery Guidelines:

I found it helpful to elevate my legs while sleeping, though that was sometimes difficult in the painful, early days, but got much better as time went on.
I will leave you our Recovery Guidelines. Each article is short but very informative. Following these guidelines will help you have a less painful recovery.

Just keep in mind all people are different, as are the approaches to this recovery and rehab. The key is, “Find what works for you.“ Your doctors, PTs and BoneSmart are available to help, but you are the final judge as to the recovery approach you choose.

Knee Recovery: The Guidelines

1. Don’t worry: Your body will heal all by itself. Relax, let it, don't try and hurry it, don’t worry about any symptoms now, they are almost certainly temporary

2. Control discomfort:
take your pain meds by prescription schedule (not when pain starts!)​
If you want to use something to help heal the incision,
BoneSmart recommends hypochlorous solution. Members in the US can purchase ACTIVE Antimicrobial Hydrogel through BoneSmart at a discount. Similar products should be available in the UK and other countries.​

3. Do what you want to do BUT
a. If it hurts, don't do it and don't allow anyone - especially a physical therapist - to do it to you​
b. If your leg swells more or gets stiffer in the 24 hours after doing it, don't do it again.​
4. PT or exercise can be useful BUT take note of these

5. At week 4 and after you should follow this

6. Access to these pages on the website

The Recovery articles:
The importance of managing pain after a TKR and the pain chart
Swollen and stiff knee: what causes it?
Energy drain for TKRs
Elevation is the key
Ice to control pain and swelling
Heel slides and how to do them properly
Chart representation of TKR recovery
Healing: how long does it take?

Post op blues is a reality - be prepared for it
Sleep deprivation is pretty much inevitable - but what causes it?

There are also some cautionary articles here
Myth busting: no pain, no gain
Myth busting: the "window of opportunity" in TKR
Myth busting: on getting addicted to pain meds

We try to keep the forum a positive and safe place for our members to talk about their questions or concerns and to report successes with their joint replacement surgery.

While members may create as many threads as they like in the majority of BoneSmart’s forums, we ask that each member have only One Recovery Thread. This policy makes it easier to go back and review the member’s history before providing advice, so please post any updates or questions you have right here in this thread.
I found a pillow stack, used correctly (no pressure on the back of the knee) really helpful. Plus gentle OTC remedies like low dose sustained release melatonin and herbal tea blends with valerian
[] Knee replacement
I’m just having problems sleeping at night due to the positioning of my knee. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Oh, that elusive sleep. Most of us suffer from that very thing after this surgery. It doesn't matter when or where you sleep as long as you do sleep. I took lots of naps for the first month. At night I'd sleep in a bed for a while then I'd wake up and sleep in my recliner for an hour or so, then back up into bed, back and forth. My naps were usually in the recliner.

Are you icing and elevating while trying to sleep? That might help you, too.
I slept great in my recliner with my legs elevated for the first 2 weeks. I was up every 4 hours for pain meds. Once I went to my bed, it was more difficult to sleep. I can't elevate at night in my bed. I have found magnesium helps.
My surgery was on the 8th. The last few days I have stopped trying to elevate at night in bed because my swelling is not bad and it’s more comfortable. I have tried going onto my nonop side with a pillow under my operated leg but I’m not quite ready for that yet. So just lying flat on my back which I hate. I took an extra 1 hour nap in the recliner yesterday also which helped.
There are few who have solved the sleep problem. I found the most common issue was caused 3hrs+ with no movement keeping us from that elusive REM. Those first 6 weeks were filled with lots of naps and early morning zombie-like walks. Position of comfort until it needs to be changed. :wink:
In a way, the sleep problem is sort of a good thing, I suppose. My post-op instructions said to get up and walk around a bit every hour or so. Between the post-op pain and my need to visit the bathroom often, I was doing those zombie walks every hour or 2 even on my first night. I'd even do a couple of extra laps around the kitchen island. The term "zombie walks" captures it perfectly!

There are few who have solved the sleep problem. I found the most common issue was caused 3hrs+ with no movement keeping us from that elusive REM. Those first 6 weeks were filled with lots of naps and early morning zombie-like walks. Position of comfort until it needs to be changed. :wink:
Hello Queendiva,
Happy One Month Anniversary!
Hopefully sleep has improved by now, or you found the tips you received here helpful.
Please let us know. We'd really love to hear from you and hope you're pleased with your progress.
Best wishes for a happy holiday season and healthy 2024 with your new knee!
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