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Knee Replacement

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Jan 2, 2006
Ok I Have Been Reading Some Of The Past Questions And I Now Have New Concerns I Didnt Have Before. The Shot That Is At The Growing Area? Is This Done Dureing Surgery Or Before. Any Complications With That.
I Am Self Employed With House Cleaning, Plan On Being Back To Work In 6 To 8 Wks. Is That Going To Work? I Am 50 So Dr. Says Younger Does Help. Your Thoughts?? I Am Hearing Slow Recovery In Most Comments. How Slow Is Slow?
Spinal Vurses Reg. Anastisia??????

i dont know much about knee replacement but they told my brother he would be off work for 3 to 4 mo,
Ok I Have Been Reading Some Of The Past Questions And I Now Have New Concerns I Didnt Have Before. The Shot That Is At The Growing Area? Is This Done Dureing Surgery Or Before. Any Complications With That.
I Am Self Employed With House Cleaning, Plan On Being Back To Work In 6 To 8 Wks. Is That Going To Work? I Am 50 So Dr. Says Younger Does Help. Your Thoughts?? I Am Hearing Slow Recovery In Most Comments. How Slow Is Slow?
Spinal Vurses Reg. Anastisia??????

hi Tina,

Spinal is the way to go! I am on my 2nd knee replacement. I got an infection in my first one. I am sitting here with no knee joint. I go back in april 17th for my new knee. you won't be getting back to work that fast. Better to take it easy and let the knee heal. Everyone is different, but I was not full speed at 8 weeks. Let me know how you make out.
Hi, I had my replacement last year at age 39. Went back to work too fast against what was recommended, had lots of swelling and problems that might have been avoided if I could of been more compliant. I had general anesthesia, did not have good pain control for a couple of days, maybe a spinal would of been better. If you are in severe pain, a replacement does give pain relief and can get you off pain meds....good luck
Had my right knee replaced in Sept 2005 then had to have it manipulated in Feb 2006 (was contracted) very stiff, I feel bionic at this point. Its 7 months and still have a lot of swelling, pain, stiffness, and am having my left knee done on friday and my doctor will manipulate the right one AGAIN help.....I hate all of this....wish I had my old knee back...impossible....sometimes I think the Dr.'s don't get it how we feel...when was the last time they had their knee replaced or hip....c
I am 56 and 'considering' knee replacement due to bone on bone pain and a knee/leg that throws out to the side while walking (walking on the inside of the knee). I work everyday but miss riding my horses, walking 3 miles a day and my exercise routine. I've read the discussions and am concerned by the lack of positive experiences. Anyone have anything encouraging to add?
Hey Chris. Please don't put off having a surgery that could possibly help your pain and give you back a better quality of life! Yes, my replacement did not do very well at all, and they are not sure why, but most people you talk to states its the best decision they have ever made and are pain free. Now the walking 3 miles a day would be stretching it, but the horseback riding would probably work!!! Write me back anytime and let us know how you do!
I've been told it's time for a knee replacement, but am wondering if I am a suitable candidate for a partial knee replacement. I haven't had a PCL for about 30 years. Long term wear caused my medial meniscus to get chewed up and have had 12 arthroscopes and an osteotomy so far. Does the osteotomy or not having a PCL impact on my qualifying for a partial knee replacement?
is there any good things to say about a knee replacement. My husband is having one done and it doesn't sound very good. He is self employed and planning to go back to work in 3 weeks is this possible?
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