knee replacement surgery

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junior member
Dec 31, 2008
I am new to this forum but I have been reading it daily.
My surgery is Jan 14th and the more I read the more nervous
I am becoming. I have limited walking now, like I am sure most of
you had or still may. What is the pain level from 1 to 10 for most.
I am very worried about becoming nauseous as well.
For myself, the pain level was worse before than after the surgery. The pain meds kept the level of pain tolerable....mostly below 5 during the recovery process and usually around 2 or 3. Other folks' experiences may be different. Now that I think about it, it was more discomfort than pain.
Hello, Jacques, and welcome to the forum!

I can well believe you feeling worried. Any operation is a big decision and often a life changing one. The best bit about this is that it will be a change for the better! Focus on that.

There's no point in skirting round it, having a TKR is a very painful procedure but there are things you can do to help you cope.

First, immediately after the op you will have plenty of pain killers to keep you pain free. You will most likely have a spinal anaethetic so for the first few hours that will cover you.

Before you have your op make sure you discuss your post -op medication plan with the surgeon so you know to whom you should go for refills when the need arises. If he's one of these "suck it up and get on with it" types, then talk with your personal doctor and get him organised to give you prescriptions.

You will need something strong for the first few weeks, maybe even a cocktail of 2 or 3 different drugs, say oxycodone, diclofenac (Voltarol) and Tylenol at different times. In several of the threads there is a pain score chart that gives advice on how to time your medications in line with your pain level (and the doctors orders, of course!).

As for the nausea, I take it you mean during or immediately after the operation? Have you experienced post-op nausea before? Either way, mention it to the anaesthetist when he comes to see you. They are very used to people either feeling sick or being anxious about feeling sick and will readily give you something to hold it at bay. All of these things we are accustomed to so please don't worry.

It's a big step to place your complete trust in people you have never met before for a procedure you have no idea about what's going to happen. If you have any other questions, please, please post them and we'll do our best to answer and reassure you.
Hi Jacques & welcome to the group.
Jo has answered the issues that you are concerned about. I have had a RTKR Dec 07 and a LTKR Apr 08 and boy what a change it has made in my lifestyle. A small incline or stairs were very painful prior to surgery. Now, I am up and down stairs without any problem. I actually looked forward to my surgery and when the first knee was done I sort of encouraged my surgeon to do the other knee as soon as possible. He obliged and I am like a new person. I can walk, bend and kneel as if I was a new person. Have faith in you surgeon, do the pre op and post op exercises and look forward to a new you.
All the best , Ross
ps: where are you in Canada?
I had TKR last March of 2008. I plan to have my right knee done March 2, 2009. I am getting along great with no pain whatsoever except when I try to kneel or I ride my recumbent bike. When riding the recumbent bike I get a pain on the outside of my knee -just alittle lower than the side of the knee. I am wondering if anyone else has had that & what could cause that.

As for nausea after my surgery I had alot of trouble with nausea. I recently underwent gallbladder surgery two days ago & had nausea big time again. This time I was given Zofran & it helped tremendously with the nausea. It is in pill form now.

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