Knee Replacement After Patalectomy

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new member
Oct 9, 2007
United States
Just a brief history. Both knee caps removed about 28 years ago. I am now 56. Then a couple more surgeries to correct some problems with the original surgeries. Then several more over the years (now done arthroscopic) mostly to remove old scar tissue and keep me going, maybe six or so.

I won't dwell on all the other issues concerning pain, loss of strength by loosing the leverage the knee cap provides, which is harder to deal with as I get older. I just have never heard of Knee Replacement being an option after Patelectomy. Or double in my case. Anyone with an opinion is welcome to respond.
Dear noknees - my immediate reaction was a big "aaawww" when I saw that!

Gosh when I think back about the times we removed people's patellae without a thought for what it would mean in the future!! You are now reaping the 'rewards' for that treatment.

As for replacement, tis true you won't be able to have a patellar button inserted but I cannot see any reason why it should make much of a difference. The broad flange at the front of the femoral component will provide a ready track for the patellar tendon and shouldn't make that much difference at all, only that loss of leverage you are already experiencing.

All the best in your search for treatment.
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