Knee replacement 5 wks ago, horrible pain, no sleep, bend only to 108, Manipulation?

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new member
Oct 13, 2008
United States
Had a complete knee replacement October 10, 2008, had the Otis Med,pain was horrendous, bending is even worse, doctor said during my 4 week session that if I did not bend my knee to 120 by week 6 I would need a Manipulation. I go to see the doctor on Monday we will see, I do not get any sleep, when I turn to the side and bend my knee it hurst, when I straighten my knee it hurts. This has not been easy at all, I am only 48 years old and the older people that I have spoken to at the doctors office are doing much better then me. I was getting depressed and would cry, therapy has been painful. NowThe pain is getting better though, now I can ride in the car without jumping everytime we hit a bump, I do not cry anymore, and I am able to walk with one crutch. Still not able to sleep. When will all this be over???????????????????Thanks for just listening..............
Re: Knee replacement 5 wks ago, horrible pain, no sleep, bend only to 108, Manipulati

Hmmmmm... you had your TKR Oct. 10th? You must mean September 10th, huh? That would make you 5 weeks out......

There really is no "normal" for pain, sleep, and ROM around here. Everyone is different. I think you fall well into the "normal" range, however. That was major, major surgery you just had and it takes most people more than 5 weeks to be over the pain, sleep problems, and regain their ROM.

What I *do* think is that few surgeons do a really good job of telling their patients what the recovery will be like. They are superb technicians at repairing and replacing our joints--- but then their job is over and many are little concerned or informative about the recovery phase.

It is very important that you are properly medicated for pain relief. It sounds l like you are improperly medicated. There are many different options and you have to find what works best for you. Insufficient pain relief will delay your recovery, slow your therapy, and keep you from sleeping. When you no longer need the meds your body will let you know. Don't be afraid of them and be insistent that one of your doctor (OS or primary care) is providing you with relief.

Good luck and take care of yourself. Better days are ahead.
Re: Knee replacement 5 wks ago, horrible pain, no sleep, bend only to 108, Manipulati

Beachcomber, you are right it was September 10, 2008. I have been only taking 1 pill of Hydrocodone, but the nurse said I could take 2, but a little afraid, I have also been taking Advil 2 pills when no taking Hydrocodone. Doctor gave me Ambien, but does not help me sleep, my husband got me Advil PM, will try it tonight. Thanks so much, Tis foroum has helped me really understand more, it has given me peace and oh so much understanding of the process. Again thanks
Re: Knee replacement 5 wks ago, horrible pain, no sleep, bend only to 108, Manipulati

i started taking 3mg of melitonin time released just before bedtime and it has made my sleeping problem much better. Not perfect mind you but not that 30 min. at a time ****. Now it's more like 2-3 hrs at a time. hope this helps.
Re: Knee replacement 5 wks ago, horrible pain, no sleep, bend only to 108, Manipulati

Thanks so much I will try it, it is 11:47 Houston Texas time and I am wide awake. I stay up watching TV and at 1200 a.m. take the pain medication and trying Advil PM tonight, lat night I slept until 2:30 a.m. and was up for the rest of the morning, but finally fell asleep at 6:30 a.m. until 8:00 a.m. Watching Comedy Cental right now. Thanks for all of your advice.
Re: Knee replacement 5 wks ago, horrible pain, no sleep, bend only to 108, Manipulati


I won't bore you with my story - Its in all the posts about Alaska. briefly - I was 7/14 and had a really rough time bending. My OS told me the same thing (120 at 6 weeks). When 6 weeks rolled around - he told me I was doing fine (I think I was like 85) but work harder - I started seeing him every 2 weeks. Made it to 11 weeks and 103 (?) degrees and went for the MUA. That was Monday. I won't lie - it hurts - different than b4 the MUA - but it has been worth it - so far. I was 103 b4 MUA and 3 days later I was 115 and 5 days later I am 117. I still have a way to go - but. Biggest battle is giving everything up to do this. I am either in the CPM, at PT or elevated and icing. Even at School for meeting yesterday - I was elevated and ice packed. Today I went to the store so that was an exception. Right now I am getting ready to ice and elevate for the night. this has been the only way to deal with the swelling - and for now it is working.

Hang in there - I can totally understand the sleep issues - I have a bunch of Law and Orders DVRd and when I can't sleep I pop one on. It doesn't help - but at least I am not feeling frustrated.

Hopefully it will get better - I am now past the 3 month point and hoping all moves forward. i know I will have crappy days (tonight I almost bit my hubby's head off over a computer issue), but there are also happy days ahead!

Thinking of you and hoping you get some sleep this PM -
Re: Knee replacement 5 wks ago, horrible pain, no sleep, bend only to 108, Manipulati

Hi, stock - you made it into the forum then!
[] Knee replacement 5 wks ago, horrible pain, no sleep, bend only to 108, Manipulation?

Have to say, this is not at all an unfamiliar story from new members and the root cause is almost ALWAYS being undermedicated for pain. I think people often have such unrealistic expectations for the post-op period, anyone would think they'd just had an ingrown toenail seen to!
[] Knee replacement 5 wks ago, horrible pain, no sleep, bend only to 108, Manipulation?

This is a graph I made explaining how pain and pain meds work. You can see here that to wait until you are in really bad pain is counterproductive as there is then too much pain for the meds to get on top of. Taking them early means you can take less as they can be more effective more quickly. Good pain control is more a case of delicate tuning than heavy handed medicating.

Hope this helps

[] Knee replacement 5 wks ago, horrible pain, no sleep, bend only to 108, Manipulation?

Re: Knee replacement 5 wks ago, horrible pain, no sleep, bend only to 108, Manipulati

Tthanks so much to you all and I am oh so happy to have found this site, I thought that I was going to be crippled for the rest of my life, I was crying all of the time, and my poor husband and kids really have been taking such amazing good care of me. But everyone that I talked that had knee replacement at the doctors office told me that the pain was not bad only that tihat the knee would be soar, only lady even told me that 4 weeks after surgery she went to Las Vegas. I am sorry but there is no way I could even think about even going to the Store. I thought that something was wrong and maybe my knee was infected, or something wask wrong, my mind just kept running away, as you can imagine. My family has really been amazing and I do not know how I would have made it this far without them. And thanks to you all, this site has really saved my life, now I am really understanding more and more. I do have a question though, I am taking Hydrocodone, 1 pill every 4 to 6 hours, nurse told me I could take 2 pills. My question is, is there any other pain that works better then hydrocodone, because I really do not think Hydrocodone is working, or could I take 3 pills evry 4 to 6 hours, or could I take someting else with hydorcodone like Advil. Any suggestions, i am going to see the doctor tomorrow, are there any suggestions about better pain medication. Thanks a million times over to you all.

Re: Knee replacement 5 wks ago, horrible pain, no sleep, bend only to 108, Manipulati

Have you tried the 2 Hydrocodone yet?

At first I needed 2 every 6 hours PLUS some ibuprofen after about 4 hours. I gradually weaned down as the pain diminished.

But Jo is right--many of us under medicate and thus slow our recovery.
Re: Knee replacement 5 wks ago, horrible pain, no sleep, bend only to 108, Manipulati

So let me get this straight - the nurse told you to you take 2 pills every 4 hours and you're taking only 1 pill every 6 hours and you're wondering why you're not getting good pain relief?! By my reckoning that means you're taking about a third of the medication you could (and should).

So why don't you do what she suggested and try 2 pills every 4 hrs - you could add Advil to that as well but I doubt you'd really need it if you would just take what you've been prescribed. Use the Advil as a top-up if required.

I'm sure you'll get there in the end. Just a matter of adjustments here and there.
Re: Knee replacement 5 wks ago, horrible pain, no sleep, bend only to 108, Manipulati

Stock 1

Make sure you tell your doc that you are taking one hydrocodone every 4-6 hours and are in pain. I would take 2 every 4 hours today and see how that works.
Good Luck
Re: Knee replacement 5 wks ago, horrible pain, no sleep, bend only to 108, Manipulati

Good morning everyone, I jut wanted to thank all of you for all of your help. I went to the doctor yesterday, and he thinks I am doing much better, and that I do not need a Manipulation. The therapist now has me riding the bike for 20 minutes and told me to ride it at home as much and as long as I could. I went to sleep last night at 1:00 a.m. did not wake up until 4;00 a.m. went back to sleep and did not wake up until 9:00 a.m., hurray hurray. The pain is getting better, I am taking more of the pain medication, thanks to you all for that. I can see clearly now.................thanks a million times over to all of you..............So now I have to work really hard at rehab and at home, so here I go......................Thanks again
Re: Knee replacement 5 wks ago, horrible pain, no sleep, bend only to 108, Manipulati

Glad things are looking good for you and that you are feeling better.
Thanks to people on this forum , I learned before surgery to NOT undermedicate.
Keep up the good work
Re: Knee replacement 5 wks ago, horrible pain, no sleep, bend only to 108, Manipulati


You sound just like me a few weeks ago, ask around the forum. I had so many of the same issues. from the lack ROM, to the lack of sleep and lordy the crying! I too have a great family that has been a super help to me. THis forum and the people who have answered me, sent me private messages, you are all the ones who have helped.
My surgery was 08/28 with little ROM I had Manip on 10/08 here it is a few weeks later and I am at 108 and minus the walker and the cane most of the time. I don't sleep well and sort of have my nights and days confused, I lay awake all night or watch tv or find myself playing cards on yahoo or myspace. Then just as I am sleeping great it is time to get up and go to PT or to the OS. I spent my days and nights crying thank goodness for Lexapro, it has helped tremendously with that. I too elevate and ice a lot.

I went to the OS yesterday who was excited about my progress, I wasn't as excited going to see him but left on a much better note. He said I have done well and to keep on working. He did remind me to medicate because in order to get results I need to push the leg until it hurts good. So with the meds, it will only hurt a little. No pain no gain he said. I am not big on self inflicting pain, so I do need to work on that. I get to start working 4 hours a day from home for 3 weeks. That way with my disability pay, I can say yes it is working and I can work 8 hours or no its not I need to stay at 4 hours a day or go back to being off 100%. I am blessed in that manner.

But, back to what I was gong to say before I rambled. It does get better, I was a big time non-believer and this website turned me around. I even told my OS about it yesterday and he wrote it down so he could have other patients check it out.

Anytime you want to talk, just holler, I am not an expert like so many others here, but I listen pretty good. I think the depression will be an up hill battle for a while but it's better.

Hang in there :)

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