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Knee Pain / tightness

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Aug 18, 2009
United States
Hi all,

I am about 2 and a half weeks out of my THR. I have noticed a decent amount of pain in my knee of the operated side. It hurts sometimes and is very tight. I am thinking this will go away with time as I think my leg is just getting used to the new hip / alignment. They lengthened that leg out 1 inch to match it with my good leg. This could also have something to do with it. Any wisdom on this?
Hi MM welcome. I am a knee but from hip post I have read.
I think you are having the normal pain and feeling.
But some hippies will be along soon and will advise you.
Hi mm, Im a knee but Im sure someone can help you...but I wish you good luck and hope you feel better soon..........
It'll most likely be muscle pain from the hip. There's a large muscle that goes all the way down the outer side of the thigh from above the hip to the knee. It's called the ilio-tibial band or ITB.
[] Knee Pain / tightness

This muscle can easily get inflamed and extremely painful. You can see it also wraps around the side of the knee joint, which is why it feels tight on your knee.

I suggest you tell you PT when you next see her and get her to do some deep massage. You might also be careful that you continue to take your pain killers as prescribed because this pain has arisen from your operation site and needs to be controlled. You could also use some ice on it and on your hip. It helps to supplement the pain killers.
I also had a fair bit of discomfort in my knee - although I didn't have much swelling post op, I think that this is where any swelling collected - it felt like my knee would burst if I tried to bend it too much. I don't think my knee high TED's helped either as it pushed fluid up to the knee area. It gradually went away during the following 2-3 weeks.
Hi MMoose,
I had no problem with my first surgery, but with the second, I had a lot of knee pain, and also a lot of aggravating twitching. I got rid of the twitching by laying on my tummy one evening at about the 2nd week.
At the 4th week, the pain has finally gone, and at the same time, I have been able to go without my cane, and am no longer walking with any sign of a limp.
I was presuming it was to do with my leg getting itself re-aligned.

LHR 5/28/09
RHR 7/23/09
As Jo described, I had problems with my ITB and did have a physical therapist massage (hurtful kind) it.
Welcome to bonesmart. I have to tell yuo that I just love my new hip. It is the greatest!!
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