knee pain pre & post op THR

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junior member
Oct 1, 2009
United States
When I saw my surgeon re: the arthritis is my hip I told him that I also had knee pain. He said this is normal with hip arthritis.
I only just had my THR 5 days ago but have noticed the knee pain again (was numb for a few days)
For those of you who also experienced knee pain long until your knee pain went away post op? How many of you had also developed arthritis in your knee and/or needed a knee replacement.
I didn't know about my arthritis for a long time and damaged my body alignment quite severely. I am worried that I may have damaged this knee beyond PT repair.
Thanks for any insight,
Sheri i think it will be difficult to tell you anything until you get your knee evaluated.
I dont' place much value on MRI's at least for my body. For instance it showed no arthritis in my hip. When my doc got in there to do a scope , it was severly arthritic on both weight bearing surfaces.

My knee MRI showed only damage in the patella area. When he went in to do that scope, he had no idea what he would find. but it was true, i only have damage in the patella area. So you never know. i thought for sure i would be facing a knee replacement, but not so.
Sheri, I am due for THR the day after tomorrow. For the past two weeks, my left knee has hurt almost as badly as my hip! I have mentioned it to doctors, nurses and over the telephone to various hospital folks and they all said that it is common to have pain in the opposite side knee. So I am going to assume it will clear up when my hip is replaced and I have recovered. Fingers crossed for you and ME!
Hi Sheri Im a knee but in reading alot of hips maybe it takes time after walking awkward for so long ..I hope thats all it is but i would let your OS know so he can get that straightened out for you....I wish you the best of luck and hope you feel better soon.......)
It is common and you won't really know if it's referred pain or knee pain until your hip is done and you've got over it. Could be either way.
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