Knee pain 1 month after THR

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Sep 15, 2008
United States United States
Has anyone experienced knee pain (around kneecaps) after THR? I have been recovering very well overall---walking w/o cane for couple weeks, exercising at gym (elliptical, etc) and doing lots of leg and knee bending (some with weights) exercises per my Pt 3x's per week. This weekend am noticing that both my knees ache. Never had knee problems before. I am hoping it is just from overdoing it. Took it easy yesterday and may today (rainy rainy here anyway) I go back to PT tomorrow and am wondering if I should ask to lay off the knee with weight exercises and/or the stationary bike a little (I am easily riding bike for 12 minutes) Elllipical I got up to 30 minutes--aim to work back to my 40 minutes.

My operated rt leg is better balanced than before surgery. Dr says about 1/4 inch shorter so shouldn't be cause of trouble???

Thanks for any response.

Re: Knne pain 1 mo after THR

I would ask your pt about your knee pain. They are great at knowing what to do or not do.
My GUESS would be if you never had knee pain before, it is from overdoing it.
Sounds like you are doing great
Definitely due to the exercise, Laurie. I take it you are doing leg curls and straight leg raises with the weights? That will get your quads tendon (which contains the knee cap) complaining pretty loudly for sure! And other structures as well.

Have a short break to let things settle then ease back on the amount of weight you are lifting as well as the frequency.

And don't rush at the elliptical. Make the time to reach your goal stretch a good bit further. IMO 30 mins is a lot to be doing just yet. I'd drop back for a week then gradually build up again but not aim to reach the 40 mins target before another month has passed minimum.
Judy and Josephine, Thanks so much for your quick replies.
Josephine, you are exactly right. The exercises you mentioned are what the PT folks are having me do. With weights on my ankles no less. And I must admit that when they go to check on another client, I am apt to get more reps in as well cause in general I have been feeling so good.

I did go to the gym this afternoon, grocery shopped and did some chores standing up for long time. Right now I am feeling fine and resting. We will see tonight and tomorrow. I will definitely take your advice to slow down a little. So hard to do when I am feeling so much better than I have in a long time (except for the recently sore knees!!).

To be honest, I actually DO know what you mean! I just started at the gym about 5 months ago and have been getting more and more competitive with the record of results - we have this computer key thing and you log in and out so it keeps a record of your achievements! Earlier this week I actually broke the 300 cals barrier and and have been struggling to even equal it since much less pass it! (I have no TKR just a arthritic knee). Well, yesterday I did 'just' a few more reps and weights here and there and a few more minutes on the elliptical, etc., etc. Within about ¾ hr I was using my crutches around the house!! All better today but it gave me a nasty shock!
Josephine, Your similar (expert) experience is somehow so reassuring. Will see how tomorrow's pt goes. Can't believe I have 3 more weeks before I go back to work--somehow very luxurious. But great for body and soul. In the meantime, this site has been great company and support.
Delighted to be of service, my friend!
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