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Knee Clunk

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May 29, 2009
United States United States
Hi I am 4 months post TKR. I had major calve issues to start with but doing great now. I have one major problem,I have knee clunk on every step. It does not hurt ,but drives me crazy. Any help? Thank you very much!
Welcome to the forum! I do believe this "clunk" has to do with needing to strengthen your quadriceps muscle. Once that reaches 100% the clunk goes away and the patella tracks more normally. When the quadriceps muscle is not firing at 100% you get the clunk according to the PT I had after my BTKR on 6/18/08.
Work hard on strengthening the quadriceps and it will be gone!
Crystal is correct but some clicking is normal. I am 6 months out and when I walk I have a clicking noise not noticeable to anyone but me.

Good luck!

Thank you very kindly from both replies. I am trying hard to get leg stronger. Are the straight leg lifts the best to strengthen Quads. This clunk is pretty loud. Also thank you very much for the welcome to the forum,this seems like a great place for all of us.
Gee.....I hope no one else hears it, Max!!! (LOL)!!!! :)
I guess I better strengthen by quads now ( I do try ).... Another thing on the list .....Another use for TEDS wrap around leg, avoid hereing
I am just shy of a year out from BTKR. I do not have the clunk any longer but I do have a squishy sound emanating from each joint every time I stand up or sit down. I think it is the fluid within the joint moving. Sounds like a normal "bad" knee!
I think the quad sets, and riding a stationary bike will help strengthen your quads. I would also suggest standing next to a wall and lowering your bottom and standing as if you are sitting in a chair. This will also strengthen your quads. There are lots of great exercises broken link removed:
Hi Judles,
Trust me peeps can hear mine,,they go,,omg, was that your knee. I go huh?,I never heard nothing. Haha,,I am so hoping ship4 and Max are right that in time this will become quiet.At first I thought I made a terrible mistake having this done after my torn calve muscle,but have to admit,the knee is feeling much much better. No more CLUNK please,and I will be one happy guy! lol
Before my surgery people would say that. Does that really happen now, that late? I really hope no more clunking for you as well....Torn calf muscles, sounds very painful...
Yes that was a surprise I was not ready for. My TKR hardly hurt,but thats because my calf hurt so bad I could not think of anything else,lol.Somehow my calf muscle got torn during surgery,turned my whole back of my leg black all the way down to my foot .But I pushed threw the pain and kept exercising,and it has paid off as I have very good flexion now. I could not extend my leg ,because of torn calf,but that is getting better all the time as well, I am real close to be totally extended. I just need to get rid of the clunk,and I will be dancing in the streets,and people will not even know or hear me,hahaha. Thanks for the words of encouragement from all. :thmb:
Oh no ! During surgery . I thought it was before. Wow, yes you are a trooper...Coming soon.. Clunker Dacing in the . Bet you will in no time...........
I have been considering drilling a hole in the outside of my knee ( the area that is totally numb since the surgery four and a half weeks ago) and installing a grease fitting from an automotive supply house. I think i should use stainless steel for the fitting, but I am not sure what kind of grease would be best....

uh...were those pain meds two every three hours, or three every two hours....I forget...

seriously, I am having more of a faint click than a clunk. I have been experimenting with pushing stuff around, and I am pretty sure it is being caused in my case by the patella's new plastic button sliding over the metal part. Tracking in the groove, as it were.

I would imagine that building the quads would pull that pateller tendon tighter and take some slack out of it, right?
Hey Gringo if that would work I wil there in a heart beet and ask you to do mine. Thats true, thats what it feels like it needs. or drill a lil hole and just squirt some in there...
Gringo I have a click sound and my PT said it was the swelling going down and the the parts beginning to work together and that it would go away after a while.

You may be right on the patella
Each persons experience is different, When I first came home my knees would make noise both my wife and PT could here but as I progressed it became an internal type of noise that only I could here. When I walk it is akin to a cadence click you know like from a metronome. I have gotten accustomed to it, my knees are so much better than before it is amazing.

Clunk......I'm a hippie, but I'm sure with all the rehabbing you'll be doing.....things will quiet down! It would be different if you entered a room full of people and everyone stopped dead in their tracks wondering what on earth that noise was! Welcome and take good care of yourelf! It definitely helps to have a sense of humor about these things!!!! :)
Clunker, Crystal's exercises were right on for working the quad muscle. Do them every other day, though (except a stationary bike) to give the muscles time to rebuild in between the workout.
At 6 months my knee only clunks now when the gradient I'm walking on changes, on the flat there is no noise, but as soon as I go up a little rise, it clunks, but it's getting less and less all the time.

Sometimes it's audible to other people.
They tore your calf muscle in surgery???????? Oh my goodness. That's scary.
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