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kinesiology update

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junior member
Dec 8, 2008
United Kingdom United Kingdom
well for those of you that read had been sent to this for my chronic pain, was strange to say the least was an introduction and it is interesting, they look at movement and your energy flows/stress release, not sure if its for me but willing to try anything... Her pressing worked to free my back a bit, and she said I'm very stressed and a worrier which true, so over the next few weeks will teach me how to manage this!!??
Interestingly i actually managed for the first time to do aten minute flat ride round the block on my bike, a first...
On the down side the surgeon says half my leg will stay numb (nerve damage) and I will be left with a limp but I guess thats life...
I now have have to decide when to get the other knee replaced which is a big decision at 30... not sure what to do. Do I get back to riding and make the most of this year first or not?
That will be a difficult decision about your other knee. I kind of just went for it when I decided to have the knee scope after the hip replacement. Then the back surgery, I did not want to fullly recover and then have to start over again.
But we are in completely different stages of life., I don't remember the pain /disability level of your other knee.
About the kinesiology, I sure can't wait to hear how you become less of a worrier and deal with stress. I desperately need that training!!
Good Luck
Keep posting
Judy,,,,It working,,,,,maybe I'm kinetic AND bionic!!!! (He mail package JUST arrived!!!!! YAY!!!!! :)
Now leaving Wednesday morning,,,,,Meeting was just delayed! If all goes well, we'll be back Early Thursday night! Wish you were here now! :(
mmm true, not sure what to do still, anyhow, she did another exercise to free my back and taught me how to do it.... The pain does feel better this week which is cool, taking less oromorph. She taught me a heat inducing exercise to do with my leg and back, and you could see the change in movement after the areas were treated! I have decided to stop studying for now as its too much with working FT etc so perhaps my stress levels will fall.
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