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Kim (Texas) out of surgery

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May 11, 2009
United States
Just received a call from Derek. Kim's hubby.

The surgeon went in looked all around and could not find anything. He found a couple of pieces of cement, but he said he cleaned up a lot of loose tissue. He said this might have been the problem.

Derek questioned him about vrs. things,
but the OS said there was nothing in there. He said it may have been the loose tissue as there was a lot in there.

He looked where she was having the pain and there was nothing there. He was not able to find any foreign object in there.

She is still in recovery and I will let you know if I hear anything else.
Hopefully that'll be the fix for her then. I'm glad to hear she's out. Still sending out positive vibes for her.
Thanks for posting the update--I know everyone here has been thinking of Kim this morning. Hope this will do the trick for her and that she'll recover quickly!
Oh no that is scaring me. Did he do a revision ? I'm glad she is out of surgery, but i'm confused and a little worried for Kim.
Thanks for letting us know.
That is great news, it sounds like a revision wasn't necessary, just a quick cleanup. I hope Kim recovers fast!
Judy NO they did not do a revision. He did not find anything but loose tissue and a couple pieces of cement.

All he did was open up the knee look all around for a foreign object and there was none. All he found was the loose tissue and said that may have been the problem for her hurting so much. I assume it most have been a lot of loose tissue.
Kim, I hope you will be comfortable and pain free very soon! Glad the revision wasn't necessary and your Dr. was wise enough to see so.
Ok so this is a good thing!! Right!! There was no bone problems or piece of needle in there!!! Hip Hip Hurray!!!!!! Kim what a wonderful thing!!!!! Now you will feel so much better!!!!!!
Oh! No revision. She should be better fast then, I hope.
Thanks for the update on Kim, Pat.....Like everyone said, I just pray the loose cement and tissue were what was causing her all that pain in the first place! Glad she didn't need a she will heal THAT much sooner!! I'm really praying that they solved her problem! She need to finally get on with her active life! :thmb::wink:
Thanks for letting us know! Kim, I hope this takes care of it!
Pat...thank-you so much for letting us know about Kim. I just pray that this fixes all her pain she has been having! I'm glad she didn't have to have a revision done!!! That is great! Here's to a speedy recovery!!!!
Additional info Doctor removed some additional scar tissue and did a mua also. I will be calling Derek shortly and will update.

Kim has her laptop so (we all know Kim) if she feels at all like it (although she maybe a little loopy) you know she will be on.

Of course it will really take us a while to figure out what she typed. (just kidding Kim we all love you)
additional info on Kim
He took out the spacer as doc thought it was too small and he put in a larger one.
I am on the line with Kim now and the doctor told her about the spacer.

We will have to wait until Kim talks to doctor to see what all went on.
Derek did not tell me all.
She has a lot of pain. She is worried about tonight and the pain

She will try and get on tonight if she is not too loopy
Hi Pat, I am glad to hear Kim is now out of surgery. Please pass on my best wishes to her and I hope she is now on the mend and able to start to get her life back again. Please send her my love x
Like somebody said before...maybe she'll make better sense while she's on the meds...just kidding Kim! :hehe: You know we love you!
Hope this knee is now on the road to happyland and you can get on getting on with life.
Wow, that is surprising. I hope this means that she heals right up. I wonder what was showing up on the x-ray?

Best wishes, Kim for a speedy healing.

Hope this knee is now on the road to happyland and you can get on getting on with life.

Hi Pat,,
Thanks for the update on Kim,
Sounds like things went better then first thought? Thats great,as she so deserves a break once. If you talk with her on the phone ,please tell her I said hi,and wishing her the very very best.
Thanks again Pat, your a poker sweety!
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