keeping track

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Hi Cathy, so we did. How are you?

My scar healed great, by the 2nd week. It's the ROM and the straightening that are the problem. Still only at 90 at a push. I still have a lot of swelling. Sitting at the computer working for the past few days hasn't helped. It looks like a basketball tonight and I can hardly bend it. It makes me cry a lot when I think about it too much. My OS has mentioned manipulation. I go back to see him on the 8th. He was waiting to see about the swelling. My PT isn;t too worried though, thinks I'm doing OK considering the swelling. My friend went to a massage therapist for her back today, she asked her about massage for lymphatic drainage. I might consider going this week or next.

How is your ROM? Are you sleeping OK? I sleep on and off, but not a good sleep, awake a lot last night. Please let me know how you are doing. We are all so different aren't we? Thank goodness for this site, I think I would have been a basket case if I hadn't found you all, thought it was just me being a big baby!! Hugs, Sue
If you want to try the lymph drainage, I would! My PT taught me and it felt so soothing and I think it helped the swelling go down (well, except for the end-of-the-day swelling). If you want to PM me your address I would be glad to send you a copy of the instruction sheet and you could try it. The key is not to press too hard and to follow the direction of the arrows. It actually works better if someone else does it---- but I did it on myself and it still worked.

I haven't done it for a while-- maybe I should try it again tonight. I have lots of swelling and am not getting sleepy. Maybe it would be soothing. No harm in trying!

Hope you get some sleep. You are such a dear and deserve some good rest!
Ah, I am right then. Do you take anything? I take one and a quarter Percs, 2 Ibuprofen and a Sleep MD (herbal). Get to sleep OK, just don't stay asleep. Still, at least I don't always have to get up and wander around now. Hope you get sleepy soon. I have so many threads to catch up on still. May have to wait until tomorrow evening if I get sleepy soom. Hugs, Sue
Hey, Beach. Would you send me the instructions for the massage? I'd like to try it. Thanks so much! Skeet
sure.... I only have a paper copy but will try scanning it and see how it turns out. It isn't a great copy, but I will try. I will send it to your personal e-mail because I know how to do an attachment that way. :)
Beach, I'd be interested inthem as well. Jen
ok... I scanned the lymph drainage instructions, but the system will not allow me to attach them because it exceeds the limits for attachments. So if you PM me your private e-mails I can send them to you there. Skeet and Sue I have yours and will send them right away... Jen--- I don't think I have yours...

Sorry one of the pages is sort of crooked--- but that is the way my copy is too....

The idea is that the lymph system "takes out the garbage" and that the swelling traps toxins and by-products of the surgery in your leg. The Lymph Drainage massage gently pushes all that through a one-way valve into your lymph system and removes it from the area to be disposed of by your body.

Here is a website with a better explanation:
broken link removed:

Thing to remember here is that you only use enough pressure to slightly wrinkle the skin in front of your massaging hand. No lotion. And follow the arrows.

I think it really helped me in the early days to get rid of that nasty generalized swelling the length of my leg and discoloration from the bruising. I am not sure what help it would be now, but couldn't hurt...
Skeet, Nursepair and Jen--- I sent them. Let me know if you got them and if they opened for you. I am a bit tech-challenged.... but bumble along on an as-needed basis...
Got 'em beach! Thanks. They sure look like they would be nicer if someone else did it. (Oh husband....)
yes, much nicer.... If you can talk him into it--- he needs a really light touch. Those lymph channels are just below the skin surface--- just a skin wrinkle in front of the massage is all you want. No lotion and NOT a muscle massage!

Good luck with it!
I wish I had everyone's email addy....I'm writing all of these dates on a calender and would love to send "knee birthday" greetings!
Thanks Carolyn, just opened my emails for the day. They look great, have also bookmarked the website to look at later. Definately asking Kevin to help with this one!!
those of you who pray... say a little prayer for a friend of mine from church who is having TKR tomorrow. I gave him the name of this web site so he has something to read when laid up and full of questions. His name is James. Thanks
I will be thinking of James and wishing him a successful surgery and look forward to seeing his posts. Sue
Just sent up a prayer for James. Hope to see him online soon!
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