Hi Cathy, so we did. How are you?
My scar healed great, by the 2nd week. It's the ROM and the straightening that are the problem. Still only at 90 at a push. I still have a lot of swelling. Sitting at the computer working for the past few days hasn't helped. It looks like a basketball tonight and I can hardly bend it. It makes me cry a lot when I think about it too much. My OS has mentioned manipulation. I go back to see him on the 8th. He was waiting to see about the swelling. My PT isn;t too worried though, thinks I'm doing OK considering the swelling. My friend went to a massage therapist for her back today, she asked her about massage for lymphatic drainage. I might consider going this week or next.
How is your ROM? Are you sleeping OK? I sleep on and off, but not a good sleep, awake a lot last night. Please let me know how you are doing. We are all so different aren't we? Thank goodness for this site, I think I would have been a basket case if I hadn't found you all, thought it was just me being a big baby!! Hugs, Sue
My scar healed great, by the 2nd week. It's the ROM and the straightening that are the problem. Still only at 90 at a push. I still have a lot of swelling. Sitting at the computer working for the past few days hasn't helped. It looks like a basketball tonight and I can hardly bend it. It makes me cry a lot when I think about it too much. My OS has mentioned manipulation. I go back to see him on the 8th. He was waiting to see about the swelling. My PT isn;t too worried though, thinks I'm doing OK considering the swelling. My friend went to a massage therapist for her back today, she asked her about massage for lymphatic drainage. I might consider going this week or next.
How is your ROM? Are you sleeping OK? I sleep on and off, but not a good sleep, awake a lot last night. Please let me know how you are doing. We are all so different aren't we? Thank goodness for this site, I think I would have been a basket case if I hadn't found you all, thought it was just me being a big baby!! Hugs, Sue