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just had surgery- please help!

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Aug 14, 2008
United States
I am 20 years old and I had a total hip replacement about 4 weeks ago. It was caused by rheumatoid arthritis/osteoporosis. It was a decision i had been putting off for about two years because of age but pain was unbearable. I am a fulltime student and live on campus at my university and am supposed to move back in 2wks (making it 6 wks after surgery). I dont want to skip a semester because I feel like it is very important for me to stay in school, but I am very nervous because although I am going to PT 3 times a week and dont feel any pain at all, im still walking "crooked" and with the help of a cane, and just a little confused as to what I wont be able to do. I'm not worried about stairs, I live on the first floor and my classes are close by. But at that point will I be able to bend over and put on my shoes or reach for things, change my clothes without aids, sleep without a pillow between my legs or on my side? I mean I know I cant be playing volleyball anytime soon but just simple everyday activities. I'm having second thoughts about if it's a good idea or not for me to go back to school this semester. Any advice would be greatly appreciated =)
They should have told you all this before you left hospital! The restrictions on +90 degree bending are usually for about 6 weeks minimum. Though it does vary from surgeon to surgeon.

As for playing volley ball, considering your osteoporotic bones, you should talk with your surgeon about this for it will very much influence the time he wants you to abstain from that. Personally, I would have thought 6 weeks was a little early but it rather depends upon the kind of approach the surgeon used.

Is your incision at the back, the side or side and to the front? Or did you have mini surgery?

All useful to know.
Hi Jerseygirl

I would suggest you call your surgeon's office to see how long he or she wants you to stay with restrictions. I am 10 weeks out now and no longer sleep with the pillow between my legs or use the clothing aid to get dressed. I am also allowed to bend to put on shoes.
That all came at my surgeon's permission at my 6week apt. He told me I could let up a little on the precautions, but still follow them until I see him at 3 months.

So it really is up to your doc as they are all different.
Good Luck
Hi Jersey girl. I'm a kneester and old enough to be your mom. My son is 19. Anyway, I'm not sure how long for all the hip mending, others will chime in and Josephine the nurse moderator is a knowledgeable sweetie. I just wanted to say keep up the hard work with college. I know it feels like alot is going on right now and it is. But you'll be OK. One thing I do know about hips and knees alike, a year from now, maybe even months, you'll be so glad you did it. Best and quick healing ! JenniferG
Let your OS make the call on going to school. If you do wear slippers or Velcro shoes till you can tie them yourself. Even at 14 weeks I still have good days and bad days on tying BOTH shoes. My only advice is heal first then do sports. I have watched my own babies play school volleyball for years and it will be tough for you to watch the bump, set and spike from the bench, but I don't think sports medicine would let you back too soon.
thanks so much for the replies! I wasn't expecting them so quickly! Well with the volleyball was more sarcasm. I mean i love it and played all through high school but haven't been for a while because of the pain in my bones. Not easy to sit on the sidelines but what can you do. I guess most of my concerns will be solved once I see my doctor at the 6 wk mark.

josephine- its on the side coming into the front, mostly on the side. its not painful and theres nothing unusual

anyone else with any general advice for a young girl who was completely not ready for this would still be appreciated! and again thanks to all who replied, it means alot and its really nice to be able to discuss this with people who actually understand and go through something similar. god bless ....and i wish everyone the best of luck as well.
I would think of all the tasks you need to be able to do and currently can't (carry bags of books, do laundry etc) then ask your OS if you are likely to be able to do this at six weeks. You may be able to borrow the aids a little longer or there may be some support/assistance available to you.

My manager had shoulder surgery last year and lives alone. She had a lady come in once a week to change her sheets, take her shopping and do a bit of cleaning. They were the things she couldn't cope with.
Hi Jersey -
I am 29 and will be getting a new hip in about 9 weeks. BUT, I did have a few major surgeries (reconstructive on hip joint) during college. I don't remember all the time out I took, but I did not miss the semester (studied engineering). I took books to the hospital and had friends come over to study together and bring me notes (I was stuck there for a while). It was good to be back "mentally" at least. Professors and other students went out of their way to help out. I lived off campus and had my mom stay with me for a while, she literally drove me to classes and then sat there reading a magazine, waiting to take me to the next class. Books, etc - get a comfortable bookbag, and you can handle that on crutches or with a cane. I don't know about all the restrictions on getting dressed on your own (I have those same fears now - but I do have a hubby now), but I'd guess slip on shoes and things like that will help you work around those issues. And I agree with Jaz, make sure you have someone you can depend on for help with the difficult things - maybe someone needs to take you to the grocery store or help with laundry or whatever. Make sure there's a safe shower to get in and out, so you don't have to step over high things to avoid slipping. Do you have any family near by that can come by once a week to help get things under control if need be? Hope it helps and hope you can go back... I think it helps with recovering quicker. Also, maybe you can trade voleyball for a swimming pool :) temporarily of course. Good Luck, Lidia
josephine- its on the side coming into the front, mostly on the side. its not painful and theres nothing unusual

Well that's great because you will find recovery much quicker and easier.

Lidia made some very good points. The bookbag is a wonderful idea. I'm sure all of your professors will have compassion and understand . It is great that you are pain free. Walking through campus will hopefully get your gait back to normal .
It is funny at 10 weeks out I can't even remember when I ditched the cane!!! It has been a number of weeks though.

It will probably be good for you to get back to college too.
I have been swimming laps since 4 weeks out (was an obsessive runner, but yes could be your mom) at about 7 or 8 weeks made it to swim a mile and do that 5 days a week now.

Good Luck
Jerseygirl, welcome. You've come to the right place. Be sure to check the forums when you get back to school. Everyone had great replies, so I won't add anything. Youth is a wonderful thing in that you bounce back more quickly. Err on the side of caution.
Judy, I'm so happy to hear you started swimming at 4 weeks (I think you mentioned that in one of your posts to me also). I am somewhat of a competetive swimmer (mostly for fun, motivation and shedding baby pounds) - I love the water. And I hear it's a good therapy :)
Hi jerseygirl,
I am 9 weeks post op and can put on my own shoes and even tie my sneaker myself. I started stretching it out a little each time after 6 weeks and now I can do it all myself! You will be fine!!!! Good luck!

My doc told me he was going to turn me into a swimmer and biker (with gas prices I should try a motorcycle too)

I have been swimming a mile about 5 times per week. Something was wrong with the pool pump on Sat and they may not have lap swimming open today. I am in a almost panic mode!!!!

that is awesome, Judy. I love to swim, and there were times that i'd swim 6-7 days per week (in lap competition). Now it's too nice out - so... I BIKE. All the time. I have a trailer behind my bike where my daugther sits, so I am pulling about 25 lbs behind me :)

I had the bike trailer when my kids were little also. I had 2 in tow. Also the baby jogger, then the double baby jogger.
To make sure I could do everything, we had a sled for towing when cross-country skiing!!

Maybe that is why I never swam, no way to tow the kids!!!
Our community pool was closed again today due to pump problems. I had to drive a ways, but got to a gym pool. Now I can't do without.

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